Chapter Thirteen.

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The scene that happened last night keeps on replaying in my head.

"I didnt want anyone to know about you!"

Why did I fall for him?

Everyone hates you.

No one will ever Love you.


I hear my mom call my name from down stairs and I snap out of my thoughts

"Yes mom?!"

"Someones here to see you!"



"Tell him to leave me alone!"

a tear falls down my face slowly as I start to think about our memories we had together. Going to the beach. Him being there. When I didnt feel good.

"Knock knock" I hear the voice turn to see its Xavier

"I told you I didnt want to speak to you" Turning on Mg feet to face the wall.

"Look at me"


"Look at me!!" He grabs my shoulder and turns it toward him. He rests his hands on my shoulders.

I shove his hands off my shoulders and fold my arms.

"P-p-lease look a-at me" I turn my head the other way. I dont want to look at him. He hurt me. Bad.

He lifts my chin up with his hand and a tear going down my face. He notices and wipes it away.

"I-im sorry" his voice starts to shake.

"I didnt mean what I said, you took it the wrong way"

"I take everything the wrong way."

"Please forgive me, I cant live knowing you hate my guts"

"I guess you will have to" I say strong.

"But I cant!" He raises his voice.

"I dont know what to tell you then" I look up to see his eyes staring into my soul. There so beautiful.

He leans in and trys to kiss me but I reject it. I back away from him giving us some room.

"P-please leav-ve"" my voice starts to shake.

He backs away slowly and walks out the door.

After he leaves the room I get down on my knees and start to sob in my hands.

"What have I done?"

He hurt you

Yes but he deserves forgiveness.

No he doesnt.


What do you think Emma should do? Forgive or forget?

Love Hana :*

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