Chapter Twelve.

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I look out the window to see Xavier came back home.

I start running down the street to his house. What? Ive been very lonely.

I knock on the door and no answer. I try knocking again and I get an answer

"Hey Emma"

its Moriah

"Hey can I talk to Xavier?"

"Yeah ill go get him just wait here" she runs to the back and yells his name.

He comes walking to the door all wet. Someones been in the pool.

"Hey Emma"

"Hey can I speak to you outside" I say pointing behind me.

"Yeah sure" he walks out and shuts the door behind him.

"So I heard you went some where"

"Yeah I did, how did you know?"

"Your sister. Anyway why didnt you tell me?"


"Why didnt you tell me you were going to be out of town?"

"I didnt think you should know"

"What? You didnt think I should know!?" I didnt realize that I got louder

"Yeah! Why do you care anyway?!"

He started screaming at me

"Because I would like to know where you are so I know you werent with another girl!" A tear rolls down my face slowly

"Well guess what I wasnt ok?! Now I have to go back inside its cold!"

"Yeah go inside!" I start walking away but I turn around and walk towards him.

"You know what I went to your church yester-"

"Why did you go to my church!?"

"Because Moriah asked me to!"

"Why would she do that!?"

"Because she was nice enough to tell me!"

"What she knew that you self harm-"

"you told her!?" Tears filled my eyes. I started getting shaky.

"Yeah shes my sister!"

"I met a guy there named Henry and guess what he was nice to me! Why didnt you tell me you went to church!?!"

"Because I didnt want you knowing!"


"I didnt want you to go there because you cut yourself!"

"so I cant go because im a sinner?!"

"You know what yes I didnt want you going because you self harm! I didnt want anyone to know about you!"

"so im just an embarassment to you!? Fine! Im done being your litte toy! Im done with you!! Just stay away from me!!" I turn and walk away. Tears streaming down my face. as im walking I her slamming behind me. I fturn my head alittle to see its Xavier knocking down his trash cans and throwing them.

I run inside and go upstairs.

I go inside my dresser and grab my knife.

Wallking into the bathroom I lean over the sink and started cutting. Blood all over my sink and arm I just keep doing it.

Tears start goiing down my face and I just break down it tears. Taking the knife I throw it in the sink and scream as loud as I could.

Why was I so stupid!?

A guy like him would have never fallin for me!

Why did he say he loved me!?

Why did he do this to me!?!

It was just all a game to him and im just the sucker who fell for it.

"What a worthless piece of junk you are!" I scream to myself in the mirror.

"You are just the girl nobody will ever like and you always will be" I say through the tears.

I fall alseep on the cold bathroom floor.


I have nothing to say.

Love Hana :*

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