Chapter Twenty Two.

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Sorry guys but im going to skip the adutions for xfactor and get straight to the band members.

I still there on my coucb nearly off my seat watching the TV.

"they're about to announce his band members!"

"And you band members are.... Zayn Malik....Harry Styles...Liam Payne and.... Louis Tomlinson"

"they are so good together! And guess what mom!?"

"Um what?"

"Im going to go see my babe tomorrow cuz hes coming back for Christmas!!"

"Awh hun im so happy for you!"

"hold on im not done, hes bring his band mates to!!"

I jump up and down screaming I hear a knock on the door.

"what if thats them!? I better go change!"

"what about the door?"

"you get it and tell them im getting dressed!"

Running upstairs I fling the door closes an rush to my closet. What to wear. What to wear. Ah ha! Ill wear my blue sundress with the lace on it and put my hair in a cute ponytail.

I run down stairs to see Niall. I jump on him and smash my face into his. Kissing him. I feel like I need him. Here. I dont want him to leave me.

"Umm cough cough" I look behind him and see his band mates.

"oh yeah this is Louis,Zayn,Liam,and Harry"

"Hi" they all say in sync and laugh.

"And im guessing your his Girlfriend"

"Yeah" I say blushing.

"So I planned on doing something for Christmas and I have the perfect idea....We do a secret Santa"

"with only one girl? Ok"

"ok so put your names in a hat and we will pick and you cant get yourself"

Louis picks then Zayn then Liam then Harry and then me.

I got Harry. And then Niall picks and smiles. I really want to know who he has... Ugh!

"Ok now for the rest of the week until Christmas you can shop for their presents but make sure you keep it secret"

Dang im terrible at secrets. When I was little I told so many that I was called Secret Emma. Not really that bad but it still ment no one could trust me.

Niall walks over to me and kisses me lightly on the lips.

"Your amazing"

"So are you... Now if im so amazing will you tell me who you got?"

"Well than it wouldnt be a secret anymore" he says with a wink and walks over to the couch and sat down by his friends. I was left to sit next to Harry... The one I got.... Ugh! This is so hard. He leans down and whispers something to me

"Hello sweet pea... Soon youll be mine and only mine" he says putting his hand on my thigh and I shove it off moving over to Niall. I sit on his lap and kiss him softly.

I feel so safe.

Harry will never break us apart.


Woah Harry wants Emma and Emma loves Niall?! Oh my...

Hey guys I might not update for awhile because its Christmas time and that means family time so please dont hate and dont leave...

Love Hana :*

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