Chapter Seventeen.

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So its Xaviers birthday today and I wanted to throw him a surprise party! What do you think? I know genius right!

"Hey mom im going to the store to grab sone goodies and stuff!" My moms going to be out of town for a few days so I decided to have some fun.

"Ok hun!" I run outside to the car and drive off.

Hes going to be so surprised!

I grab some candy and soda of course. Oh look! Cake mix is on sale! Ill just take some of that.

I go to check out and I see Moriah and Xavier around the corner. I duck my head down.

"That will be $25.69"

I grab the money out of my purse and got out of there as fast as I could.

Phew thank goodness he didnt see me.

My phone vibrates.

Its a text from Xavier.

From: Xavier<33

Hey are you doing anything today?


Not that I know of. Why dont you come over to my house later.

From: Xavier<33

Shounds good cant wait to see you Beautiful :*

Awh hes so sweet. A blush crept up on my cheeks.

I grab everything and set it up.

Its just going to be me and Xavier tonight. I dont know any of his friends so just me and him.

I mix the ingredients together for the cake and pop it in the oven.

I didnt forget to grab his favorite movie. Star wars. Yes I know hes some what of a geek but how can you say no to his face?

I hear a knock on my door and I rush to go see who it is.

Its Xavier!

I open the door and shut it really fast.

"Are we going to go inside?"

"Yes but one sec. Here put this on" I say handing him a blind fold.


"Just do it" he puts it on and I lead him inside.


"Sorry!" Whoopsy...

And 1.....2....3

"Suprise!" I yell and untie his blindfold

He walks around to see everything. The candy, popcorn, cake and the movie


"What? Is there something wrong!?"

"No no no its perfect" he smiles and pecks my on the lips. I give him a are you kidding me look.

I cup his cheeks and kiss him. Our lips move in sync. Sparks are flying. I love him so much... I just dont know how to tell him...

We let go from our kiss and sit down to watch the movie.

a tear moves down my face when Padme dies.

"Are you crying"

"Maybe...yes I am... Its sad. She got heart broken so bad that she lost the will to live."

"Awh your so cute when you explain stuff"

What? I think some of that candy got to his head.

I move in closer to him. He looks over at me and smiles. My hearts beating so fast.

I lean in and he puts his hand on my head smashing his lips into mine. I start to move so im on top of him and hes lying down on the couch. He starts to take off his shirt.

He moves his hand up my butt to my top. He tugs on it and I just ignore him.

He moves his hand back down to my bum and pushes it closer to his body so its touching him.

He backs away and takes a breathe.

"I cant do this..."


"I cant do this..."

"Why?" I say trying to kiss him but he just rejects it.

"I just cant... I have to stay pure"

He gets up off the couch and moves to his feet. I put my shirt back on and so does he.

"Im sorry... I shouldnt have done that" I say breaking the silence.

"No its not only your fault"

I need to tell him...

"Hey I need to tell you something..."

He gives me a weird look


"I l-"

"Hey hun I forgot to grab my purse before I le- hey Xavier!"

"Hello Mrs Harland"

"What is he doing here?"

"I was throwing him a surprise party"

"But its only you to?"

"Um I have to go... Goodbye Em and you to Mrs Harland"


He leaves and mom gives me a glare and sets down her stuff.

"Ok what was going on!?"

"Nothing mom it was just his brithday!"

"Mhm you better not have lost your virginity!"

"Ew mom why would I do that! Nothing happened I swear!"

Well something did happen but we stopped before it was to late but I love you mom.

"Nothing better have happened! No sex until your married!" Well it was more like makingout without our shirts on. Yeah...

And with that she left and I just feel alseep on the couch.


Ohhh someone was getting naughty!! Hmmm... Sorry about the late update but I hope to liked this chapter!

Love Hana:*

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