Chapter Four.

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A few days ago was fun and now I have to survive the worst thing ever... School.

Grabbing my jacket from the coat hanger and keys I head on out.

Back to school day.

Days clean: 6

"Hey Emma how you doin?"

I look to see Moriah by my locker.

"What are you doing here?"

"Oh I go to school here now! Isnt that great!"

"Yeahhhhh!" Sarcasm works great in this type of situation.

As shes telling me her classes a thought popped in my head.

"Wheres Xavier?"

"Xavier? Why? Do you have a crush on hi-"

"No. I was just wondering..."

Because I might have a tiny crush on him and I dont want him to see me like this.

"Okay so this is my locker, its right next to yours and if your wondering Xaviers is over there" pointing to the locker right by Joe Smiths. The ultimate bully. Hes evil. He calls me names all the time. Its better than being beside Violets locker, Mrs popular.

Right as I go back to earth the hallway is clear-oh no did I miss the bell?!

I rush to my class and they have already started. I try sneaking in very silently but my teacher Mr. Peterson heard me very well.

"Your late and on the first day to, what a shame. Go ahead and take your seat." I walk to my seat and sit down. Hey look my markings are still here. I put my head down to read them and as im doing that someone walks in.

"Ahhh and who are you?"

"Im Xavier Lenard the new kid"

"Well hello Mr. Lenard. I hope you will feel comfortable over there next to.... Violet Jennings"

"Oh crackers!"

"what did you say Emma?"

"Oh uh nothing" I stare at Violet as she scans Xavier. He doesnt seem to fond of her. He sits down and gets out his books. Shes just drooling over him. Very professional Violet. Oh geez im drooling over him to...

A few hours later...

"Hey I didnt know you were in my Math class" Xavier pops his head around my locker.

"And I didnt know you were so nosy" I say shutting my door.

"oh sassy today"

I glare at him and walk to class.

"so are we still on for fishing?"

"Oh yeah of course-"

"But Moriah wont be there shes hanging out with her new friends at the mall later"

"Oh uh ok. Are your bringing the bate ?"

"you betcha "

I start to giggle after he said that, his voice crackers. It was pretty cute and funny. He looks over at me and smiles. I just stand there staring into his blue eyes.


Jumping in my car I start it up and put my back pack in the trunk. My passenger door slaps shut and I scream.

"what are you doing?!"

"Im going in your car for fishing"


"Moriah took my car so im riding with you" he says with a big smile on his face. I pull oht of the parking space and head on home.

We get home and he jumps out to go get his poles.

He comes back out with swim trunks on and a shirt.

"Why arent you in your bathing suit?"

"I dont plan on getting wet"

"well hurry up and go get dressed to get wet"

"ugh" I go out of the car and get on a bikini but I put shorts over and my jacket. I cant let him see me like that. He will think im weak.

"ok im ready" I hop in the car and drive of.

We get there and he brings everything over to the lake. No ones here and its so quite. Relaxing. Calm. I turn my head and see Xavier without a shirt on. He leans over and hands me a fishing pole with a bucket of bate. Yuck worms.

I try putting a worm on the hook but jts so slimy and falls out of my hands.

"Ew!" I look at Xavier laughing at me.

"Need help?"

"No I got it" I try again but I lose it.

"Okay maybe alittle help..." He walks over and puts one on so easily. Show off. He walks over to his pole and jumps in. his head pops out of the water and his muscle shows. Hes all wet. And hot.

"Come on in the waters great!"

"No im good" Hes walks out of the water and stands by me. Staring at me, looking at me up and down. I hug myself to hide anything he wants to see.



"Well stop starin-AHH let go of me!!" He grabs me and throws me over his shoulder and drags me in the water. Its freezing!! I notice im still wearing my jacket.

"here come here"

"No its freezing!"

"No it feels good!"

"no it does not" he smiles and swims over to me. He grabs my arm and moves the sleeve up. I didnt notice until he sees it. I move his arm away and ran out of the water

"Emma wait!" I run down the street to my car and lean on it. Tears flowed from my face. hes going to think im weak.

"Emma wait!"

"No I shouldnt have come! I told you I didnt want to go in the water!"

"im sorry I didnt know!"

"yes and thats how I wanted it!" He stood there shocked looking at me in the eyes. He moved closer to me. A tear sprung from his face. He moved the sleeve up to see my cuts. I just stood there letting him look. He looked me in the eyes and rubbed them soft and gentle like.

He moved in closer moving a piece of hair off of my face. He cupped his hand on my cheek. It hurt me to see this happen. He moved closer to me and rested his head on mine. Leaning in closer ...


You guys are awesome

Love Hana :*

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