Chapter Twenty One.

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"this is my last day before I go to audition so I wanted to makr it special"

"really? So what are we doing?"

"we are going to the movies"

"the movies? Okay" whats so special about the movies? Its just a place were you get lice.

We arrive at the movies and we get our popcorn and candy.

I walk into the theater and its empty

"where is everyone?"

"well I reserved the whole theater just for us"

"awhhhh!! Thats so sweet! How did you get the money for it?"

"well from the new job im getting thats how"

We sit down and I cuddle up to him. His warm embrace makes me feel so calm then I think about how hes leaving tomorrow for x factor...

"are you ok Babe?"

I hesitate but answer "Yeah im ok" I smile and we go to watch the movie.

The movie ends and we drive back home.

"hey I need to tell you something.."


"well since your leaving tomorrow I was going to tell you..." I choke up and a tears flow from my eyes.

"why are you crying?"

"well you leaving tomorrow and I dont want you to go.."

"I know babe im sorry.."

"and I wanted to say that I love you.." He walks over to me and wipes away my tears

"I love you to" after he says that he gives me a kiss on the lips and we part ways...


Awh how cute!!

Love Hana :*

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