Chapter Twenty Three.

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"What do I even get Harry?!" I say yelling in the bathroom mirror at the mall.

Maybe I should ask him what he likes??

Wait?! no! he totally wants you and Niall to break up.

Wow that was like the first day and hes already going to get into trouble.

"Um mam are you ok?"

"Oh yeah im fine, why?"

"Because youre talking to yourself in this corner"

Was I talking to myself?

Dang I must look like a psycho.

"Having trouble with Christmas presents huh?"

"Yeah major.... Help me!"

She laughs and wraps her arn around mine.

"Sweetie of course. What does he look like?"

"He has green eyes and brown hair"

"Thats it?"

"Well thats all I know. I havent really talked to him"

"This is going to be hard but we will do it!" I smile and she drags me to Hollister.

Oh thats a nice shirt!

"Can I just buy me clothes and forget about him?"

She laughs and brings me to the mens section.

"Green eyes right?" I nod and she grabs three shirt. One was striped with blue. The other one was green. And then the last one was another striped one but it was purple.

"I like the... Blue one I guess" she gives me and big grin and we go to pay. The guy whos working is super sexy!

What am I saying?! I have a boyfriend!

I give an awkward smile and pay.


"Soooooo whoo did you get?"

"Xavier im not telling you"

"Hey my names Niall, the smart, sexy one in the band"

"Hmm I dont think so" I say outting my finger on his chest. He smiles and wraps his arms around my waist.

"Youre just jealous"

"Oh yeah of what?"

"That im sexier than you"

"What!? No way!" He reaches down my thigh and I stop him.

"Ok maybe im not sexier than you" I say admiting it. I smile and peck his lips softly.


Sorry such a late update! Ive been busy but read my new book called Say Something...

You wont regret it! Make read past the first part!

Love Hana :*

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