Chapter Eighteen.

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My mind kept on replaying last night.

I wanted him to touch me like last night.

It feels so right having him near me.

Why cant I say it!?

Im scared I guess... Im afraid if I say it he wont feel the same way.

My moms gone for a fee more days so I have alittle more time with Xavier. I think we should go on a date.

But where?


Ah ha! I know just the place!

I run to Xaviers door and his mom opens it.

"Hello Emma?"

"hey is Xavier home?"

"yes hes up stairs in his bedroom" she opens the door wider and lets me in. I rush upstairs to his bedroom and he opens the door.

"Hey what are you doing here?"

"im here to ask you on a date"

"isn't the guy supposed to do that?"

"not all the time, so what do you say?"

he takes a second to answer "sure but I have to do some stuff right now, wanna come in?" I walk slowly in his room to see all the photos there are of us together. We are so cute!

I walk over to his bed and look at what hes doing.

"what are you doing?"

"Im writing lyrics"

"I didnt you sing!?"

"yeah alittle"

"can I hear?" He sighs and then grabs his guitar.

(btw guys I do not own this song!)

'cuz you are mine for the summer

Now I know its nearly over

Feels like snow in September

But I always will remember

That you are my summer love'

Im speechless. He wrote that.

"Thats beautiful"

"thanks... I wrote it for you" a blush crept on my face and I look away.

"here sing it with me" he starts to play and he starts it off and I join in.

The song ends and we just sit there not knowing what to do.

"your amazing!"

"im really not.."

"you are! Its so beautiful" we both blush and smile at each other.

"you know what? Change of plans I have An idea!" I give him a smirk and we run and jump into the car.

After a few hours I bring him to a recording studio. Sure its expensive but I want him to have a amazing day.

We walk in and he opens his eyes to see all the recording stuff.

"woah! This is amazing! How did you afford this?"

"it doesnt matter about money. So how do you like it?"

"its awesome!"

"so? Go in the a try it out!"

"come with me" I couldnt help but give in. he plays the start off his song and we press record and sing.

We stare into each others eyes the whole time. we sing so into the music its like we arent even recording. Its like magic.

He ends the song and we both smile at each other.

"that was amazing! You are amazing!" we turn around to see someone clapping outside of the glass. Its a familiar face.

"well done! That was extraordinary really"

Me and Xavier just stand there like 2 manikins.

"Uh thanks man but who are you anyway?" I hear Xavier say out of know where.

"Simon Cowel" at that moment I stop breathing.

"y-youre simon cowel?"

"yes ma'am and you are?"

"Emma Harland"

"And you?"

"Xavier Lenard"

"nice to meet to both. Lets get down to business I want one of you to be in a band" my heart starts to beat really fast.

Wait did he just say one?

"one of us?"

"yes one of you" I loom over to see Xaviers face. He looks.. Disappointed.

"can we have a moment?" He nods and walks out of the room.

"Babe? You ok?"

"um yeah I just dont want to compete for a spot"

I look down and ive got an idea.

"Simon can you come in here for a sec?"

"You needed me?"

"yes I did. Xavier here is the only person who wants this spot so you should choose him"

"what are you doing?" Xavier says wispering to me.

"hmm sounds like a deal. Will you except?"

he stands there thinking. I motion him to say yes and he finally speaks up.

"Yes I will do it"

"Ok than we will start tomorrow. Heres my number and ill have my people call your people" he walks out of the room and before we leave we just stand there surprised.

We jump in the car and head home


Woah Xaviers going to be in a band!? I wonder what its going to be called....

Love Hana :*

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