Chapter Eight.

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I wake up to see the most wonderful face on earth.

"Hey beautiful its time to wake up" Xavier says with a smile. He leans down and kisses me on the forehead.

I give him a smile. Its been awhile since I was this happy.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah I-im ok " I flash him a smile and then look down at my handa. He lifts my head up to look at him

"Whats wrong?"

"I told you nothings wrong. Everything is... Perfect"

I hop off my bed and walk to my closet.

Its been a month since ive cut so my scars have healed. Its a good thing to. That jacket started smelling really weird.

I grab a summer dress that has a sweetheart neckline. I manage to put some light makeup on and curl my hair. I feel like a whole new person... And I like it.

"so how do I look?" I say twirling around infront of Xavier.

"Gorgeous" he says snapping his finger like hes a girl.

"Yeah dont do that... Ever again" I say with a small giggle. He gets up from my bed and moves toward me. He grabs my hips and moves me next to his body. Hes so warm.

He leans in for a kiss but I deny him by putting my finger on his lips. He looks disappointed.

"Not now" I turn his head and kiss him gently on the cheek.

Today I summer break so we are going on a date to the boardwalk.

After the long nosy drive we are there. Its beautiful. with all the lights and the moonlight shining from the water in the lake.

"Its beautiful" I say resting up against the railing.

"it is but nothing is more beautiful than you" I blush at what he just said. He is so adorable when hes sweet.

I just stare at his face as he looks over in the lake.


"Oh nothing..." I say smirking.

"Than why are you staring at me?"

"i-im not" he caught me.... Crackers.

"yes you were"

"no wasnt" he walks closer to me and I back away scared.

"yes you were" he run and grabs me by the waste. He picks me up and swings me around. I just look at him deeply in the eyes as we laugh and have fun. I go in closer to kiss him. He notices what im doing and does the same. As we kiss he gets his hands tangled in my hair. I try pulling back but he pulls me closer. We breathe in between kisses. I wrap my arms around his neck and he lifts me off my feet. I move back to get a breathe and we rest our heads on each others.

He grabs my hand and we walk back to the car.

"lets go home" he says with a big ole smile on his face to were His dimples are showing.


I hope you guys like it! More to come later! Im busy watching star wars :3

P.S. Btw guys the girl is not based on me. I dont cut or do that stuff.

I love you guys! <3

Love Hana :*

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