Chapter Twenty Four.

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"Ok time to open presents!!" We all sit by the Christmas tree and look at the presents under it.

"So whos first?"

"Wait let Emma go first" says Harry from across the room.

They all clap and I walk up to the tree to look for my present.

And ahh there it is!

I smile at the wrapping paper. It looks like a 3 year old wrapped it.

Im sorry for whoever wraoped it... They need help.

I open it and its a beautiful necklace with my name on it and a gem at the end.

"Awh its beautiful! I love it!"

"Your Welcome!" Says Louis from across the room. I take the chain and wrap it around my neck to wear it.

"ok lets see Niall you go" he gets up and grabs his present. Its a necklace to but his have those square shells on it.


"No Problem!" says Liam

Harry walks up and grabs mine.

He opens it and smiles. Yay that lady was right!

"Thanks Emma!"

"Wait how did you know?!"

"I kinda saw you at the store talking about me" my face goes white and I fix the way Im sitting.


"Alright partys over have fun on your tour guys!" I say hugging Xavier.

"I love You Emma"

"I Love you to. To me you will always be The Boy Who Saved Me" he gives me a long kiss and walks out on to the bus that will take him who knows where.


He Saved her from herself. Im sorry the next chapter will be the last! I hope you like this book so please keep voting and spreading the word! Make sure you read my next book! If I get about 100 reads on say something ill make an extra chapter on here to show what would happen next!! ;)

Love Hana:*

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