Chapter Two.

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Chapter Two.

Brushing out my Brown hair I realize how many cuts are on my arm... If only life would be easier.

"Are you going or not?"

"Yes yes im almost ready" walking down stairs I realize I forgot my jacket. Dang I hurry up and try to get it but my mom grabs me by the shoulder.

" I hope your not trying to avoid going to say hi"

"im not I just have to go get my jacket-"

"why? Its like 90° outside"

"I still need it though" shes gives me a confused look but lets me go to go get it. As I rush down stairs with my jacket on I trip.

"Ow!" My ankle..

"hun are you ok?"

"yeah yeah im fine. I just need to walk it off thats all"

I walk outside and the sun hits my eyes like a LED flashlight. To bright...

Whers is there house.... Ah there! Walking over avoiding any person that comes near me.

I walk up to the door and knock on it.




As I start leaving I hear the door open. I turn to see a red headed girl with bright clothing.



"Are you one of my neighbors?"

"Yeah I live over there" I say pointing to the brick house.

"Oh well come in!" She grabs me by the arm and brings me into the house. I flinch when I see her staring at me. I step back alittle and hit the wall.


"oh are you ok? Do you need ice?"

"Chill im fine its just a wall"

"Hey Moriah! Whos at the door?" I hear a very manly voive come from upstairs. I turn to see a boy with no shirt on. Not bad.

"oh heyyyy theerrreee" he says awkwardly.

"hey Moriah can I talk to you in the kitchen?"

"uh sure" they head to the kitchen. I walk over alittle to hear what there saying. Yes im nosy no judging.

"Moriah I thought mom said no friends over while shes gone?!" He sounds madddddd. Oppp.

"but shes a neighbor and she came by so I thought it was nice-"

"Hey I have to go so I just came to say Hi so yeah Hi... And now bye.." I walk over to the door and I hear footsteps and then a voice.

"Here ill get that for you"

"oh uh thanks" I flash him a smile and then walk out the door.

"Hey come by anytime!"

"Okay" walking away awkwardly to my house. I wonder is that was Xavier. Hes cute-Snap out of it! He will never like you. Your just plain old Emma.

"Oh yeah right... I forgot"


Love Hana :*

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