Chapter Fifteen.

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"Hey Emma"

"Hey Henry" scoping the room I cant find Xavier. I need to speak to him.

I look back to see Henry still talking.

"Im sorry what?"

"I said are you still datjng anyone?"

"Um im sorry but suckers are for babys and guess what im not a sucker" I say confidently. Go Emma.

Hey look Xavier!

rushing over to him I trip and fall flat on my bottom.

"Ow!" Why do I keep doing that!?

"Emma? What are you doing here?"

"Im here because I need to talk to you"

"I told you last night I dont want to be friends"

"Yeah I know so ive come here to forgive you"

"Really?" He looks shocked. Did I do the right thing?

"yeah is it to late?"

"No not at all" he says with a smile



"im forgiving you so we could be friends nothing more nothing less"

Suddenly he looks disappointed.

"I can try to live with that.." He fakes a smile and then walks over to the chairs to sit.

He waves for me to sit down by him.

I walk over and sit down awkwardly.

It feels weird

I want to hold his hand

What!? No you dont you guys are just friends.


Hehe ^.^ yay there friends! But will they be more than friends later on? keep reading and you will soon find out.

Love Hana :*

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