Chapter Fourteen.

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Everydays a new suprise from Xavier.

First its calls

And then its flowers

and then its flowers and chocolate

And then today he sent Moriah over here to talk to me about him.

Would he just give up already?!

Its never going to happen!

He has such a thick skull!

But a very cute face-

shut up your mad at him!

"So I really think you sould forgive him" was she still talking? Whoopsy

"Im sorry who?"

"My brother Xavier"

"Right yeah no Im not going to forgive him no matter what he does or what you say"


"because he broke my heart now if you would please leave I would be very happy " I say pointing her out the door.

"just at least come to church tomorrow"

"i-ill think about it" when she leaves I plop down on the couch and turn on the TV. I mean im mad at him and all but I still had a good time.

Ill go

But what if Xavier goes

So what? Are you going to let him ruin your life?

No. I am going tomorrow

"Hun are you ok?" My mom chimes in.

"Uh yeah why do you ask?"

"Because your holding a spatula in your hand and your phone in the other" turning to look what I was doing and placed the spatula down.

"So whats going on Emma?"

"Im just watching TV"

"oh ok. Did you know that Xavier is in the front lawn?"

"What!? Its like 30° outside!" I rush and grab and blanket.

Storming through the front door all the way I trip and fall. I look up to see Xavier staring at me.

"Here let me help you-"

"no I got it"

"Why are you out here?"

"Because its cold and I thought you would want a blanket" darn now it sounds like I care.

I do care thought...

breaking the awkward silence I speak up and say something

"So here you go" I say passing the blanket to him. But he doesnt except it.

"im not cold I dont need it"

"How its freezing!"

"Than you use it" chill dude

"Sorry for caring.." Walking inside I slip again on a piece of ice.

Since when did it snow in Florida!?

He runs and catches me before I fall on my butt.


"Your welcome" he rubs his neck in guilt and starts to walk away.

"Hey um Xavier"


"I was thinking an-"

"And you decided to forgive me"

"No way. But I was thinking that we can maybe still be friends?"

"I-im sorry but if I cant be with you I cant handle being around you"

"ok well bye" I turn on my feet and walk inside.

What did he mean?

I think it might be time to forgive him

"No he doesnt deserve it!" My eyes widen realizing I just said that out loud

"Hun do we need to talk"

"Um well I need to ask you something"


"Well my... Friend asked me what to do if a guy broke your heart, so should she forgive or forget?"

"Well it would need some thinking but I really think you should forgive him no matter what he did"

"Alright thanks mo-wait how did you know?"

she shurgs and shoos me up to bed.


I love you guys! Heartsys<3

Love Hana :*

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