Chapter Six.

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I stood there on the road looking out in the distance then a car came by I felt a shove and then fell on my back. Everything was blurry all I saw was head lights and then I was out.

I woke up and found myself in a hospital.

"Hi honey" I open my eyes more to see my moms face.

"Hi am I in a hospital?"

"Yes you were on the road and a car came by-"


"And then Xavier found you and shoved you out of the way"

I sat there shocked.

He Saved Me.

"W-where is he?" I spoke up

"Hes sitting in the waiting room. He stayed here all day. Good thing you didnt get hurt"

"but what about him?"

"the car ran over his foot and broke a bone so he will be in a wheel chair for awhile. I just sat there taking this all in.

Finally the doctor let me go. I walked out of the room to see Xavier in his wheel chair. A tear sprung up and fell down my face. He looked up at me with such care.

After a silent ride home I found myself in his house standing next to his bed were he lays. Im just waiting for him to wake up.

Finally he awakes. I smile when I see his blue eyes staring back at me.

"Hey beautiful what are you do-"

"How did you find me?"

I spoke up.


"how did you find me? I was alone... Why did you save me? Why didnt you let it hit me?"

He sat there shocked at everything I just said.

"I saved you cuz you dont deserve to die"

"but you dont deserve to get hurt!" I say shouting. I didnt realize it. I slowly sat down next to him.

"getting hurt isnt as bad as losing someone you love"


Ill update in just a bit :)

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