Chapter Twenty.

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Niall Horan... Really? I mean it is pretty hot and all but doesnt sound like him.

As soon as his hairs done my mouth drops to the floor.

"woah babe you look... Hot!" He winks at me and walks over to sit were I am. His hand comes over to mine and holds it.

"ok like I said you will be in a boy band but you have to go though something called X factor to see who you end up with"

"you mean an audition?"


"why cant you just put me in a band?"

"because if your voices dont go welk together than it wont work. Ill see you next month on Monday 2 pm sharp. Oh and make sure you are now known as-"

"Niall Horan" he says so upset. Simon walks out of the room and I stare at Xav-i mean Niall.

"whats wrong?"

"Oh nothing...."

"come on I know your upset about something"

"well I really wanted to be known as Xavier Lenard not "Niall Horan""

"I know it will take alot of grtting used to but you still have me" I look over at him trying make him smile. I move his lips into a smile and he gives in. he leans in and pecks my on the lips So gently.

Next week...

"ok Niall Horan what do you want to do today?"

"I dont know... You pick this time"

"but I picked last time" I say swinging are arms back and forth.

"hmm how about we go to the place where I first feel in love with you"

"where is that?"

"the pond" oh no... The pond. I dont know it just scares me but if he wants to go there id be happy to.

We arrive at the pond and we just sit on the hood of his car watching the sunset.

"this is perfect"

"and in a few Weeks it will be even better"

"as long as I'm with you everything is perfect" he says stealing a few kisses from me.

I can't believe he will be Famous. Hes so hot with his hair blonde. I look at him when he sees im checking him out. I look away when my face gets hot. He's amazing...I just hope I can tell him soon.


My new favorite book that ive written! Agh im dying... Lol I have lots more to come so stay tuned.

Love Hana :*

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