Chapter Twenty Five.

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"Today is the day I finally get to meet him again!"

"Hun its been a year now, do you really think hes going to remember you?"

"Yes. He said he loved me and I just know it"

I put on my 1D shirt and skinny Jeans. They are playing in Tampa I few miles away from me.

I get in the car and drive.

I really hope he remembers me...


Tons of girls are cheering for them to start the show and of course im busy trying to find Xavier.

The music starts to blare and thry all come out one by one.

I see Zayn,Harry,Louis and then Niall.

He looks so happy.

They sing a song and now they are going to do tweets.

I tweet in something and it pops up on the jumbo screen.

"From:Love_Lasts it says'Niall ive always loved you and always will. Im Emma" when he reads that in the mic he starts to cry. He looks in the crowd to were im at.

"I will always love you and I never did forget you" he says and then jumps down from the stage. He fights through teen girls who are screaming in his ear. He stand right in front of my and hugs me tight.

We let go and he kisses me and this one feels more... he wants me with him but I cant...

"Go on tour with me and we can live on the bus. Please. I cant spend one more day without loving you like I did"

"Yes" he gives me a big smile and kisses me one last time and then walks back up on stage.

"This is for you my love" he starts to sing his song... Summer Love and then they end with Diana.


I have no words.

Love Hana:*

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