Chapter Nine.

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Ok so ive got my sunscreen,towel,sandals and a pony tail, is there any thing im missing? I say double checking everything around me.

Nope looks like I got everything.

Xavier and Moriah are bringing the food and drinks.

"This is going to me so awesome!" I squeal. Running down stairs I see Moriah and Xavier are here.


"Yup im all set" I walk over to Xavier and give him a small peck.

"ew you guys are so gross!" Moriah says walking past us. I roll my eyes and follow her to the car. Xavier driving his Jeep.

"shotgun!" I scream

"ugh no fair!" Moriah says snapping at me. Xavier laughs when he sees us.

"I invited some other people to come"

"really who?"

"Joe and Violet" my heart sank to the floor. why did he invite them. They hate me.

"oh yayyyyyyy" I say with alittle enthusiasm

"is there something wrong?"

"oh no not at all" I say with a fake smile. Im really good at it.



"Hey guys! Over here!" Moriah waves down Joe and Violet.

"Hey!" Voilet says putting down her towel next to mine. Ick.

"Hey um um..-"


"Oh yeah I forgot"

"yeah I could tell...cuz Emmas so hard to remember" she glares at me and sits down.

"So weres Xavier?"


"Because I want to know why do you care?"

"I dont... Hes over there in the water" I point to him just as he gets out of the water. Muscles all wet and sexy. I cant believe thats mine. Is he mine? Are we dating? Im not sure...

"Oh my... Hey im gonna go hangout with Xavier, bye!" Violet jumps up and runs to him. But before she goes any farther she takes off her clothes to show her bikini.

I cant take my eyes off of them. look at them talking... Ugh.

"Hey Emma" Joe walks over and sits in Violets spot.


"So you taking that shirt off anytime soon?"

"Why would it matter. Its not like im going to date you"

"ow that one hurt" he grins and walks over to Moriah. I put my sunglasses on and lay down.

I feel drips of water on my and I look up to see Xavier standing over me.

"Yes?" I say pulling down my sunglasses to see him more clearly.

"You coming its great!"

"Remember when you told me that at the lake and It was freezing, and plus I dont have sunscreen on yet"

"Here ill help" He grabs the sunscreen out of my bag. I take off my shirt to show my tanish stomach. As he puts it on my back I admire my bikini. Its white with rainbow stripes.

"Alright your all done,Lets go in the water"

"Hey look at you hot stuff" I turn to see who said it. I thought it was Xavier but it was joe.

"Dont say that about her" oh great thanks Xavier.

"And what are you going to do about it?" I havent noticed how tall Joe was until he stood infront of Xavier. Xavier looks cheesed. Im gonna try and break this up.

"Hey Xavier lets go for a swim."

He doesnt answer.

"Cmon babe" I say grabbing his hand and kissing him on the cheek. He snaps his head to look and me and smiles.

We both walk of to the water and he grabs me and carrys me to the water like a baby. I start laughing when he puts me down.

"Its cold! What are you vampire!?"

"Idk want to see?" He walks closer and kisses me on the neck. I get goosbumps feeling his warm breathe against me skin. I bend down and splash him.

"How rude!" He says splashing me. And now ive started a splash war. He start to laugh and giggle. I of course fall on my bum infront of him.

"Oh are you ok?" He starts to laugh at me.

"Yes im fine" I give up and jump on his back. He just stands there looking at the sunset. He seems so focused. I rest my head on his should and kiss his neck. Hes so cold.

"Babe are you ok?"

he hesitates but answers me with a smile.

"Yeah im ok. Lets go." I feel like kid again. Riding on piggy back. I jump off his back and pack up everything. I notice that Joe and Violet left. I dont even want to know where or what there doing.

We pick up the bags and food and head on home.


Hey guys I didnt have any comments so I guess im doing good with the book?

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Love Hana :*

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