Chapter Eleven.

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Ring Ring Ring.

"Hun your phones ringing!!"

"ill get it in a second!" I hurry up and straighten my hair for the day. Even though im staying home that doesnt mean I cant look good while being lazy.

I rush down stairs and grab my phone.

Its Moriah.

"Hey whats up?" I say confused as to why shes calling me.

"Hey I was wondering since Xavier is out of town-"

"wait hes out of town!? Why didnt he tell me?"

"I dont know but I was going to ask you if you wanted to go to my church with me?"

"Woah church? Xavier never said you went to church"

"Well he doesnt go much on Sunday nights and thats why I asked"

"Well dont you have friends? I mean not to be rude I was just wondering"

"Well I do but they normaly ignore me"

I sat there thinking why didnt he tell me!? Did he think I would judge him? Did he think I wouldnt like him after he told me? I mean-

"So is that a yes or a no?"

Darn it shes still here?

"umm sure why not"

"Alright ill be over in a sec" she hangs up and I just keep it on my ear. I sit there shocked at why did Xavier leave me. And most importantly why didnt he tell me?

Knock Knock.

"Ill get it mom!" I rush down stairs and open the door. Moriah just sits there and smiles

"You ready?"

"Yup" I shut the door behind me and we set off to her church.


"Here we are!"

"Woah" I didnt know churches would be so ... Big"

"heres the gym, oh and heres the youth room where we will be having service.

I look around the room and see so many faces but none ive ever seen before.

I turn and see someones face right near mine.

"Hello im Henry!"

"Hi im Emma"

"Nice to meet you"

I just stand there staring at him not know what to do.

I start to wave down Moriah to come help me

"Hey Henry back away shes taken"

"Well I wouldnt say that-" I look over at him to see his eyes widen

"you know come to think of it I am taken" he walks away and moves to another girl. Geez I didnt know churches played sports with girls.

"And thats our pastor Nick"

"Hey Moriah whos your friend?"

"Her names Emma"

"Oh thats a beautiful name!" a warm heat started on my cheeks.

"Well it was nice to see you but right now I have to start service so have fun!"

"lets go find our seats" Moriah says while grabbing my arm and tugging it to a chair.


"That was a wonderful service Nick"

"Why thank you im glad you liked it" he walks off to go play with his kids. So cute!

After chit chatting we get in the car and drive off.

"Hey when is Xavier coming back?"

"He should be back by tomorrow"



Hi :p

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