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13 years ago

"Mommy mommy!" I shouted as I followed the colorful flying creature.

"Yes baby?"

"Look! look! A butterfly!" I kept shouting and giggling as I kept running towards the fascinating creature.

"Wow thats a very beautiful butterfly." I giggled and continued to follow the majestic creature. After what felt like hours chasing the butterfly I finally caught it. I stared in awe. I looked deeply into the creature acknowledging it. Suddenly i saw the butterfly glow brightly and soon flew away. Of course I didn't know what it meant, I was just 4. So I just shrugged it off and ran towards my mother to have supper.


I sat on my balcony looking at the shiny stars I never knew why they were always in the sky. I never knew why I loved looking at the stars every night before going to sleep But soon enough my mother came in and knew it was time for bed. I came inside and closed the doors to my balcony and shut the curtains. Once I got in my bed my mother tucked me in and kissed my forehead.

"Goodnight princess see you in the morning."

"Goodnight mommy, I wuv you."

"I love you too, sweetheart." Once she shut the door I soon felt myself drift into a deep sleep.

The brightness of the light awakened me from my beauty sleep, I yawned and stretched my arms. Once I felt fully awake I got up and looked in the mirror. I looked at myself for a good 5 seconds and something caught my eye. A strange drawing on my wrist? I studied my wrist for awhile. I soon walked to the bathroom and tried to wash it off but it was no use it was permanent. I ran to the kitchen to see my mother cooking breakfast.

"Mommy!" I shouted and my mother jumped at my sudden yelling.

"Gosh, honey you scared mommy. "

"I'm sowey mommy."

"It's okay baby, now what is it?"

"There's something on my wrist m-mommy, I don't know what it is." I sobbed and my mother took my wrist and looked very closely. Her eyes widened but soon turned to satisfied eyes.

"Baby, I would tell you but it's better if you find out later so you can understand. But what I can tell you what it is how does that sound?" I nodded at least I got to know what it is.

"Its a hook baby, Like captain hooks hook." my eyes brightened excitedly sure I might be stuck with it for the rest of my life but captain hook is my favorite villain.

Of course I didn't know what that hook meant at 4 years old maybe I will when I'm older but for now it remains a mystery...

A/N : Im soooo sorry for not updating on the weekend I was very busy but yay 1st chapter ;)

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