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Happy thanksgiving lovelys ♡


As Emma and Killian sailed back to the docks they said their goodbye and thanked one another for each other's company. As Emma began walking away she couldnt help but feel her heart flutter. She didn't know why but it was the best feeling.

She began walking and started thinking about her recent vision. Why was there a castle in sudden view? Did it mean something? Or was it just hallucinations? She decided to put that thought aside and relaxed a bit. She's been overwhelmed lately and needed a break. This morning as probably one of the best mornings she's had.

It took her mind off of things. Like she didnt have to worry about the important things in her life. And the bad things. Emma smiled at thought. Being there with Killian, sharing his passion for sailing. She's never been sailing before and today was probably the best first experiences especially with Killian.

Killian. That name always seemed to put a smile on her damn face all of a sudden. Why havent she felt like this before ? Maybe because they actually havent taken the time to know each other and actually spend time together like they had today.

I guess it's different as if it had more meaning to it. It's like this day has been prepared and had been waiting ages for this to happen. What exactly. Well their feelings of course.

Emma and Killian were never really romantically attached to each other. But after today, they both question their selfs.

After walking for what seemed like hours Emma finally reached her home. She prepared herself knowing her mother would be going nuts once she found out she had been gone for quite sometime.

She took a deep breath and entered her home. There Sat her mother fiddling with her fingers. Her facial expression showed she had been extremely worried for hours. Once her mother heard the front door open she instantly shot up and soon her worriness was gone.

"Oh Emma darling where have you been ive been worried sick dear!" Her mother rambling as she took her daughter in her arms holding her like there was no tomorrow.

"I'm sorry mom, I couldn't sleep and decided on an early morning walk to the docks."

"Oh honey you could've left a note or something so i wouldn't have a heart attack. " she chuckled as she made her way into the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

"Well I didn't think I would be gone this long. " Emma shurgged as she followed her mother into the kitchen.

"What held you up. " Emma sighed as she plotted herself in the chair across from her mother.

"Killian. " Her mother stopped what she was doing and sat next to her daughter with a shocked expression.

"You were with killian?? Oh my gosh Emma. " her mother squealed. Emma rolled her eyes and smiled and told her mother about her amazing morning with him. Her mother stopped her once in awhile to squeal out of pure happiness. She was happy that her daughter was happy. She hasn't been in a very long time.

Ever since Emma has gotten that text from her mother's psychopatic boyfriend she hasn't been her best. After that text sent by him there were more oh yes more threats not to her mother hi Emma herself. He blames Emma for everything that has happened. That the night he got arrested was her fault when in reality it was his. It has been since day one.

So seeing her daughter telling her about her morning, smiling and giggling from time to time as she tells about made her mother very happy.

They're moment was soon paused by Emma's phone dinging. Emma tilted her head and checked her phone and instantly squealed at the text.

Killian- hello love, would you like to grab coffee tomorrow morning ?

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