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A/N: Guys this book just hit 1K. Im squealing so much right now and my mom thinks im crazy. Anyways thanks so much it means a lot to me, now ONWARD WITH THE BOOK.

As I approched home I opened the door rapidly and headed upstairs my room. I  slammed th3 door and got the book out of my  backpack I  was recently carrying.

I stared intensely at the dusty old book. The title was ingraved 'The truth of your destined mates.' The title  basically gave away everything that someone needed to know about this certain thing.

I opened the book to the first page and its looked to be a definition of something.

Soulmate (n.)
A person ideally suited to another as a close friend or a romantic partner.

That defintion didnt really have sense into it but I guess it makes sense. It doesnt help me at all. I sighed and turned to the next page. Nothing. I kept turning pages but they were all blank. I yelled in frustration. I took of my leather jacket and threw it on my bed.

I brought the book to my small desk and sat it down, both my arms resting wt each side of the book. The image of the Swan on my wrist appeared in my view. My eyes widened as I opened the book once more to see the pages werent blank anymore. They were filled with endless wording and some pictures here and there.

I flipped some of the pages until soon one certain page caught my attention.

As a child its very rare to have these images of random things appear anywhere on your body. But whatever image it is just remember its very important. Those images represent who you are. Whether its and animal and an object or a plant and a sun regardless on what it is, its a symbol. Representing many things including yourself. One important thing that the image can represnt is love.

I realized that that certain page was just talking about why it was important. I guess its good to know but thats not what Im looking for.

I turn a few more pages and finally came across something that may actually answer my question.

Once you have figured out what your image is and what it represents that brings you closer to finding your answer even quicker. Yes throughout the years you ask yourself things out of the blue. Wondering why you were choosen to have such a rare image. Not many people have that amazing gift. And that gift is finding your soulmate. As said on the very first page is definition of it. Now your probably reading this because you have already found your soulmate perhaps. If they have an image of your liking it is said you two are to be destined together. They were your answer all along. Why an image of your liking if you ask. Well because that shows who you are not physically but in you. Sure it can be an object like paper. But paper can do many things. Yes they may just be for writing on but isnt that the point? People who have journals write everything on it. Paper can express who you really are by simply just writing it. Thats why if your image was paper it represents you because you can do anything.

I stared in awe. Thats bloody incredible. I wanted to read more so I continued on.

Part two of page 50.

Now say another person has your liking. For instance, you love flowers but the image you have doesnt have flowers. Thats because your soulmate will have your liking. Thats how you know thats your soulmate. Indeed there are different ways to find your soulmate like having different eye colors and having to find the exact same one. But this method is all too rare. Having images is pretty rare and is a fascinating gift. But once you have figured everthing out from these pages things will change. Not the bad but the good. And perhaps the truth?

I couldnt believe what I had just read. It was so much to take in. But then I looked at the swan on my wrist. And it hit me. Emma Swan.

I have to find her and tell her about this. I slammed the book shut and headed towards the hospital.

Meanwhile Emma was bored out of her mind watching tv with her mother by her side. Until she heard the door open, assuming it be Killian. Man was she wrong. Her eyes widened as she shook her mother awake. Her mother awoke and looked towards the door. Fear struck her eyes. She couldnt believe it.

"I told you I'd come back."

A/N OoOoOoO who is it?!?!?

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