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As the days went along my curiosity for the strange drawing on my wrist grew. I myself began growing and getting older. I would always ask my mother each year but gave me the same response as the first. Was I still to young to understand? That was literally the only thing I've been thinking about these past few days but once my mother pulled in front of my elementary school I shrugged the thoughts off. 

"Bye sweetie! Have a nice day." my mother shouted as I was walking towards the entrance of the school. I waved and gave her a slight smile. I began walking towards home room and preparing myself for the first day of 6th grade.....

I was scribbling something on my notebook while the teacher was doing whatever they do and felt a sudden tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see someone I'm very unfamiliar with. I cocked and eyebrow waiting for them to talk. 

"What's that on your wrist ?" They asked full of curiosity. I shrugged. 

"I don't really know honestly.." They nodded and turned  their head and looked back forward listening to the lesson. Man now that he mentioned it I really really wanted to know. But I knew how matter how much I asked I wouldn't get any answers so I did what I do best and shrugged it off and tried to pay attention to the lesson so I wouldn't fail. As I was listening I knew that the lesson was history. I gotta admit I love history. I just love learning about things before I was brought into this world. Like how people would communicate instead of using those damn electronic devices. I really don't see any point of even having one. If I had one I would only use it to just contact family or in case of an emergency. That's what they're for right? 

Anyways back to the lesson, what my teacher was talking about was quite interesting. She was talking about how people communicated and you know meeting blah blah blah all of that. But what did catch my attention was when she started explaining how they knew that the exact person was right for them. Like now the way people confessed their feelings was on a piece of paper or a friend asking for someone to confess for them which is them being a wuss of course. But back then they never did that.. It was always diner dates or movie nights at the drive in. Even a night where they are lying beneath the stars and talking about each and every one of them. But in my teachers opinion they rarely confessed, more like looking at someone in the distance and just knowing that's the one. I guess you can say it's destiny if people think of it like that I mean I never thought about it but I guess I could.  Yet since I was just a 6th grader I never really understood what her point really was. But I was very interested. Maybe one of these days I can finally understand the true meaning of this symbol on my wrist. 

The bell finally rung and I exited the classroom and made my way to my mother's car. 

"Hi honey, how was school?" 

I shrugged. "It was good."  I lied. 

"Tomorrow will be a better day sweetie." Dang It's like she read my mind. 

After the long drive and the endless questions my mother asked. We had finally arrived home. I sighed and grabbed my book bag and jacket. 

"Go ahead and freshen up Emma I'll start making dinner okay?" I nodded and headed to my room. In case your wondering why I haven't mentioned my father well long story short he left me and my mother when I was 2.  don't remember much or what he looks like. I don't care really though. He's a coward and is very selfish. So my mother told me I didn't mind, she told me he was a bad man. I believed my mother, she would never lie to me she never has anyways. 

I sighed and put my things away and went straight to my desk in the corner of my room. I thought It would be a pretty good idea to write about my days In my notebook or diary whatever you wanna call it. I couldn't really ask my mom questions since I always do and she never gives me answers so why not write It down on  a piece of paper. 

August 10, 2012 

Dear diary, 

Well this Is my first time writing to you... I guess your the only person to talk to. I don't really have anybody besides my mom but that's different. Anyways there's something I really want to talk about. You see there's this symbol or drawing whatever it is, on my wrist. I have no idea what It means. When I was 4 years old I asked my mother what it meant but she never told me. All she said it was a hook. Out of all the things why a hook? Im curious I really want to know what it means. Will I find out sooner or later ? I hope so Because it's driving me insane. My teacher was talking about history for today's lesson. It was about how people confessed feelings do you think that had something to do with this symbol on my wrist? Well It was nice talking to you I have to go I talk sometime soon x .

" Emma! Time for supper!" My mother shouted. I put my pencil down and closed my notebook and shoved it in my book bag. And made my way to the kitchen.


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