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A/N: Warning there is bullying in this chapter so yeah don't read that part if you don't want to Its during the flashback

Once we finished looking for all the rooms to my classrooms, Emma and I said our goodbyes and soon we headed separate ways. After she left, I stood near lockers having so much thoughts in my brain. I couldn't help but wonder about the lass. She seemed so strange yet so fascinating at the same time. She was a mystery waiting to be discovered. Especially when she said her last name. Swan. Emma Swan. Then it clicks. Flashbacks started flooding in.


Ireland was a beautiful country. The weather wasn't all too great considering the fact its rarely sunny out here. At the time I was 4 years old. I was a young lass, who was fascinated by the world and capabilities. I was the one to wonder about things I see. I study them to understand them. Despite my curiosities about the world I was one of those kids. The ones that always get bullied for just wondering about things. For sticking my head in a book for hours studying the planets in the solar system. Or looking at pictures of amazing photography. Everything I did seemed wrong to everyone.

The bullying was basically everyday of my 4 year old life. It wasn't that bad I guess. Its not the bad where they're to the point of drawing blood but its the bad where they called you names and make fun of how you do things and dress.

But one day It got really bad. They had seen a drawing of an animal in my wrist. I wasn't even aware of it. The drawing wasn't big so I never caught sight of it. That day was a horrible day that I wish i could forget. I still remember them coming closer and closer, shouting at me.

"What's that ugly thing on your wrist Jones!"

"Aw looks like hes a girl by the looks of that animal." I was at the urge of tears as I kept backing away the closer they got.

"P-Please I don't k-know what it i-is. I never seen this b-before." I stuttered. I was afraid on what they were going to do.

"Liar!" They shouted

"I swear!" I fired back. And soon groaned in pain as I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I fell to the ground trying to defend myself from the endless kicks to my stomach. I felt tears prickling down my check due to the endless pain. But soon I didn't feel anything slowly looked up to see they were gone. And my brother soon appeared.

"Killian! Oh my gosh Killian what did they do to you?!?!" Instead of answering him I hugged him tightly and sobbed into his shoulder.

"Shh shhh Killian its alright brother, they're gone."

"W-Why do t-they h-hate me s-so much?"

"I don't know brother-" He paused as he saw the mysterious drawing on my wrist.

"Killian? What is on your wrist?"

"I-I don't know I had never seen this."

"That's a Swan Killian."

"What's a Swan?"

"You will find out soon Killian I promise." I nodded and hugged my brother tightly as we looked up into the sky to see the clouds forming which means rain will soon approach.


He remembered his brother telling him that the mysterious picture on his wrist was a Swan. The picture was still on his wrist till this day. He still doesn't understand the true meaning of it but when Emma came along he felt something he never thought he could ever imagine having. Hope. Hope is a very powerful thing.

Hope is a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen. And that's exactly what Killian needed. He needed hope from someone. To show him to way to light. To show him theres a meaning in this drawing and he will soon find out. But now there is much to learn from, especially the blonde with green eyes.

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