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Omg guys this book just reached 815 view?!?!? That's crazy thank you all so much you have no idea how much this means to me.

And then my other book reaching 3.41K ?!?!? That's just amazing. Sorry that this is not a chapter and just me rambling about stuff it's just quick updates on this book and my other ones. Yes. I did release the 1st chapter to oblivion. You should check that book out I think it's quite interesting :) and I'm working on the next chapter for this book specifically.

I also want to clarify that this book is related to Story Of My Life. No this is not a sequel to that book but its related. Read both to understand it but it's okay if you dont.

Spoiler !! - in chapter 15 Emma sees visions after touching killians ring can that vision be a version of another life ?? More importantly is it real?

That's all I have for this update and clarification and again thanks so much for reading my books and sticking around I love you all.

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