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Storybrooke, Maine was quite a small town. I had recently moved here from Drogheda, Ireland. It was really hard, due to the fact I was leaving my home town. I basically grew up there. All my family was still there. But I only came here with my brother, Liam Jones. He had gotten a job opportunity here. He works as a bartender at a ship near the seas called Jewel of The Realm.

Sure, I probably could've stayed back home with my Mum and dad. I couldn't... I just couldn't do it. I couldn't face the fact that my brother was going to move across the world for a job.

You see my brother and I have an unbreakable bond. We've been very close to each other. I wasn't going to ruin that bond by him moving. So here I am.

I at least was lucky enough to finish one year of high school in Ireland. Now here I am getting ready for my first day of my sophomore year.

Was I nervous ? Of course I was. Why wouldn't I be. A new school. Being the new kid. Its a terrifying thing.

I shook my thoughts away and began heading out the door. I just decided to walk. It wasn't that far anyways. Maybe a good 5-10 minute walk. Besides Liam is at work.

I began walking and looked at my surroundings. It honestly was beautiful here. In Ireland, It was always cold and cloudy. Sometimes rain would decide to show up. But here it was pretty amazing. The sun up high shining as bright as the stars in the solar system. There was a few clouds. But its would stand out. Then you have the wind blissfully blowing around your face sending shivers down my spine. And I cant forget the peacefulness around me. It was extraordinary.

Soon enough me admiring mother nature was over once I saw buildings in my sight. I sighed and made my way inside to get all my belongings.

Once I had gotten everything thats including my schedule, lock, locker number, and my books. I headed straight to my locker.

There wasn't much people in the halls considering it was very early in the morning.

I finished putting my belongings away and started walking off. I got out my schedule and started looking down at it. I didn't know where any of my classes were so I decided to spent my time looking for them.

I continued walking the halls of Storybrooke High. Until I bumped into something or should I say someone, causing them to drop his or her books. I cursed under my breath, I just started school and Im already being clumsy.

I helped the person pick up their books and soon they had everything we both stood up and I finally saw who it was.

"Gosh Im so sorry. " I said. I looked deeply into her green eyes. She was a true beauty.

"No no its totally fine. " Her voice was music to my ears. She sounded like an angel.

"Are you new ?" she asks out of no where.

"Yes I am actually."

"Oh, well Im Emma, Emma Swan. "

"Killian Jones. "

"Do you need help by any chance ?" My eyes brightened.

"Yes actually it would be nice to know where I am going for once." She smiled and we both headed off to find my classrooms.

A/N : Another chapter ?? Whaaat. Anyways this chapter Is going to continue in the next chapter still in Killians pov. After that there will be a time skip. ;))

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