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After showing Killian around I headed to my first period. Adv. English. While walking him I couldn't help but just wonder about him. He seems so interesting. He's different. He isn't like anyone else. Which I find fascinating about him. His sapphire eyes. His features everything. I could go on and on. I have so much more to learn about him. He didn't tell me much just the basics. Like he's from Ireland and why he moved here. But of course my thoughts had to be interrupted by the sound of my teachers voice. I sighed and prepped myself for the long day ahead.

My English teacher wasn't all that bad. I mean the beginning of class was pretty boring because he was lecturing. We soon got to this story called ' The Necklace. ' We read a couple paragraphs and soon enough I got pretty into it. After reading those paragraphs, he soon told us to write about the woman in the story. Her attitude and feelings toward certain things.

Once again he started lecture about the story. But something told me I should listen to him speaking so thats what I did.

At first It was pretty boring. But then he talked about love. Why is it that my teachers over the years must talk about this topic. Was it that relative ?

He started talking about why we have love in out lives. And why we happened to experience it. But he said something that  I don't think anyone even knew, including myself.

He said, " If you stare deeply into the other male/females eyes their pupil begins to get bigger. Which Is a sign of love or whatever you would like to think of it as. I call it destiny. Kind of like a soulmate. "

Is this a sign ? My curiosity for this so called soulmate grew. But no matter how much I ask no one is going to give me answers. Especially when people are going to question my curiosity. Still no one knows about the strange hook on my wrist. What would they do if I told them Ive had this thing since I was 4 years old. What would they do? More likely what would they say ? This is why I can't risk anyone knowing.

Once the period was over I went on to my next class. This Is going to be a long day.      

A/N : I finally updated loll. Anyways This is going to continue in the next chapter but in someone elses pov. ;)) guess??
*cough* Killian *cough*

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