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Junior year 

Dear Diary,

I know it's been awhile since I last written here. It's strange isn't it? Every year of my high school year I never write until the next year of the beginning. But I have my reasons I guess. Again, a lot has happened the past year. Remember that Killian guy I told you about? He's actually my bestfriend now. Funny right? We have gotten pretty close the past year. It seems like yesterday I had just helped him look for his classes on his first day at a new high school in a new city or should I say state. But close to the end of the year I felt something weird. I don't know how to explain it. Ever since that day I've been distant.... I've been shutting out everyone and Im scared to let anyone in. Im afraid my walls will go down. Lets just say all I've been doing these past couple of days is running. Running from my problems, running from people , more importantly running from my friends. They don't know why I've been distant, and I tend to keep it that way. They would never understand.

I sighed and closed my notebook and threw it on the floor due to my frustration. I haven't been the best. Especially since only two damn things in my mind are killing me. one, its this damn thing Im feeling. And two, this stupid symbol on my wrist. It's killing me slowly. I have not found anything. I've read books, I even googled the definition of soulmate. And still haven't found anything. But something popped up in my mind. 

If this symbol is a picture, then maybe I should search up pictures. Great thinking Em finally using that brain of yours. 

I grabbed my computer and searched up soulmate and once all the pages popped up I went on images. Once everything was loaded up I saw something I didn't want to see. They were just quotes of the damn word. I groaned in frustration yet again. But decided to read some anyways. 

As I was reading through some of them I couldn't help but think these are pretty good ones and make quite sense. But a few of them caught my eye. The first one I saw read: 

" You meet a thousand of people and none of them really touch you, then you meet one person and your life is changed forever." 

The second one read: 

"They are the person who bring out the best in you." 

Man That second caught my eye. I silently laughed to myself because its funny how people actually think that someone can actually bring out the best in you. Well to me in my opinion. I closed my computer and decided to call it a night. I covered myself with my cozy warm blanket. 

Tomorrow wil be a better day. 

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