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Dear diary,

This past year has been great so far. I made new friends surprisingly. And we all got along pretty well. We hung out a lot. Had a bunch of sleep overs and diner nights on Friday's it was all great. Which leads to Freshman year completed. 3 more years to go. First day of sophomore year is pretty close. Just 2 more days. I still wonder about the strange printed object on my wrist. My friends don't know about it yet. And I tend to keep it that way. It is pretty hard to hide though. I started wearing long sleeves everyday now. Except the summer since they aren't really around. They sometimes question on why I wear long sleeves so often but of course I only said they are my favorite type of clothing. Well im done writing for today I will write back On the first day back...

I closed my notebook and put it in my bag. '2 days' I kept repeating to myself. I wonder what will await me once I go back. Will I make new friends? Will it be better or worse? So many questions roaming in my brain but I soon felt my eyes drift and soon enough I fell asleep.

Time skip to first day of a Sophomore

I groaned as I heard my alarm clock go off. I hit it and put my pillow over my face and groaned loudly again. I wasn't used to waking up at 6'oclock in the morning anymore. During break I usually woke up around 11'o clock. But summer is officially over so time to go back to school habits. I sighed and got out of bed. Doing my normal routine. Once I finished I looked in the mirror. I was very satisfied with my choice of clothing. I wore a grey shirt along with my maroon cardigan. Dark navy blue jeans and black and white vans. I smiled and walked to the kitchen to have breakfast.

"Good Morning mom." I said with a chirpy voice.

" Morning darling, aren't you quite happy this morning. "

" Yes I am, Just glad to be a Sophomore I guess. " she hummed in response and continued her cooking. Once she finished we sat talking eating our waffles enjoying the peaceful morning. Soon enough it was time to head to school so I grabbed my belongings and headed to the car.

The drive was silent the whole way. Not the awkward kind but the comfortable kind. I began looking out the window admiring the outside world. A building soon approached my vision telling me I was at school. I said my goodbyes to my mother and headed inside. I didn't need my schedule or locker this time since I wasn't new. So I just headed to my locker to get my books.

There was quite a lot of people in the halls than the last time. I approached my locker and began putting in the code. Once I heard it click I opened it and grabbed my books and closed it. Once I turned and was about to walk away I bumped into someone causing all my books to fall out of my hand.

"Oh my gosh, Im so sorry. A thick Irish accent filled my ears. He's Irish I said in my head. I looked up to see beautiful ocean blue eyes gazing at me.

"No no its totally fine." I said trying to be normal as possible. But then I took a second look at him. I've never seen him around before. He must be new.

"Are you new?" I asked so suddenly.

"Yes I am actually."

"Oh well the names Emma, Emma Swan." I said sticking my arm out.

"Killian Jones." He said while reaching towards my hand to shake it.

"Do you need help by any chance?"

"Oh, please. It would be nice to know where I'm going for once. " He chuckled and we began walking around the campus.

To be continued...

A/N: Helloo just something quick to add. The to be continued part ^ is going to continue on to the next chapter so i will make another chapter but from where i left off from here. This sounds confusing but whatever. 😂

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