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Sailing wasn't really something I'd do on a daily basis, who am I kidding I never sailed in my life! I don't have of fear of it or anything. It's just something that never came to mind.

I always thought it would be a boring trip to 5 miles out and back. It just didn't seem amusing.

Until now.

Killians ship was moving along with the waters beneath. I was standing in front of the ship looking at my surroundings. All I saw was ocean. But it was the most appealing view I've ever seen. Just having the wind blow through you and the peacefulness along with the sun up showing it's true light. Everything was perfect but it felt as if something was missing. More like someone.


I wondered where he was. He's been gone for quite awhile now. But I shouldn't worry right? This ship doesn't look like it has many places to go or so I thought. I shrugged and focused myself back to the lovely view.

Killians point of view.

I was below deck looking around at my brothers belongings. I don't know why but I found myself down here. I just felt like I had to come here so I can feel hes still with me.

When I look at his stuff it reminds me of him. Memories keep flooding in my mind and it's impossible to escape.

I was still looking around until I saw a ring. It's was quite big with a red jewel in the middle. I knew it had to belong to Liam. I smiled and glady took the ring and wore It as a necklace.

After that I decided to head back up deck. Once I arrived back the sight in my eyes was mind blowing. For some reason I felt something I never thought I felt especially for this someone in particular.

The way her hair flows back caused by the wind. Her concentration on the sea. Especially the view of the sun slowly rising higher and higher. I stared in awe.

It felt as she sensed my presence and turned around.

We started at eachother for what seemed like years. Admiring one another.

And that's in the exact moment I finally realized this girl is quite important more than I could possible imagine, and I knew I had to keep her around or else I would lose her and I can't let that happen.

   《                          ♡                          》

A/N: just a short cute fluffy chapter. :) sorry it takes so long for me to update I'm just really busy lately thanks for sticking around I love you all.

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