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I stared into his electrifying blue eyes as his met mine. I felt my face softened as we stared at each other admiring one another.

My eyes soon looked at an object hanging from his neck. I tilted my head in curiosity.

"What's that on your neck Killian ?"

He blinked as he looked at the object around him.

"O-Oh um it's a ring. My brothers actually. " He looked down at the ring and started fidgeting with it.

"Can I see it? If you don't mind. " he nodded and smiled as he took off the necklace and put it in the palm of my hands. As my hand felt the object my eyes widened and saw something I never expected to see. A castle in the distance stood before my eyes. It was beautiful. I stared in awe. Once I blinked the image disappeared. I furrowed my eyebrows and stood there dumbfounded.

"Emma are you alright there ?"

"Ya I just swore I saw something. "

"Are you sure?"

"I promise I'm fine Killian. "

Little did she know that vison was real.

A/N finally updated. I'm starting to think of I should do short chapters now. Should I keep doing long ones ?

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