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Dear diary

Well Its my first day of highschool.. I'm not nervous but kind of scared. Let's just say a lot has happened. I know I haven't wrote in like 2 years but I thought I should start writing again so here I am.. I'm not really going to go into detail on what happened while I was gone. It's too much. Anyways I still haven't figured out what this damn symbol on my wrist means. I didn't really bother my mom about it as much like I used to. She still gives me the same response. So basically I gave up .I guess I will never know what it means... Well I have to go school is going to start in about an hour and I still haven't gotten ready.. Well bye I guess x.

I sighed as I closed the cover to my notebook. First day of highschool. Just the thought of it gave me a headache. I really am not looking forward to it. Especially cause Im the new girl in town and to the school. Yup we moved. I miss Boston. I will always miss it. It's my home. It's where I grew up. It's the place where I had the best memories and goofing around. Until that Happened. So because of that something my mom thought it was best to move. So here we are a small town called Storybrooke in Maine. It was a small quiet town. I kinda liked it so far.

"Emma!! Breakfast is ready!"  My mother yelled. I grabbed my belongings and headed towards the kitchen.

"Good Morning darling. " My mother said cheerfully.

"Morning mom. " i said groggily. She made pancakes with strawberries on top. Along with Hot coco with cinnamon on the top of the whipped cream. I ate my breakfast silently and thoughts roaming in my head on how today might go. Moments later I finished and put my dishes in the sink and went down the hall to put my black and white converse on. Once I did my mom was already waiting for me at the door. I sighed and walked out to the car. When i got inside my mother looked at me quite concerned.

"Don't worry Emma, you'll be fine. " I gave her a slight smile and turned my head back to my window looking at the small town. I have no idea how long I was staring out there because I soon felt the car stop  Knowing I arrived at my new school. I grabbed my things a looked at my mom giving me a smile and nodding her head at me. I hugged her and made my way to the office to pick up my schedule.

I walked down the empty halls of Storybrooke High school. I guess I was pretty early. I walked a bit longer and finally saw the sign 'Main Office'. I approached the door and made my way inside.

"Hello miss." The lady at the front desk said in a perky tone.

"Hi, I'm here to pick up my schedule. "

"Okay. What's your name sweetie ?"

"Emma. Emma Swan. " She typed my name in her computer and printed out a paper which I'm assuming is my schedule. She signed the paper and gave it to me.

"Oh and I almost forgot you need your lock for your locker. " She then gave my my lock and combination and locker number.

"Okay so your locker is number 365  Ans your combination is 321. I nodded and grabbed everything and quickly thanked her and made my way into the halls.

I looked for my locker and finally found it. I entered my combination and put my belongings inside and grabbed my books for my first class. I looked at my schedule to see I had Algebra 1, Biology, Art, Adv.English, Photo, and World geography. At least I had 2 of my favorite subjects. I sighed and since It was still early I decided to walk around a bit to get used to the place.


I was currently walking to lunch. Yup barley sadly. As I was walking I heard some conversation of the 2 girls in front of me and my nosy self decided to listen.

"Yeah its crazy how someone can have a soulmate and mean so much. "

Soulmate? I never heard that word before. To my curiosity I decided to ask the girls.

"Hi, sorry I'm interrupting but I over heard you guys talking and heard the word soulmate. " They looked at me like I was crazy.

"You don't know what a soulmate is?" I shook my head.

"What's a soulmate?"

"Its a... well its like a Bestfriend but more. Its the one person in the world that knows you better than anyone else.  Is someone who makes you a better person. Actually they don't make you a better person you do that yourself. Because they inspire you. As soulmate is someone you carry forever. Its the one person who knew you and accepted you. Believed in you when no one else did or when no one else would. And no matter what happens you will always love them. And nothing can ever change that. "

I stared and listened in awe. I was so into every word she said. I wonder if that was the actual meaning or it was her own words. I smiled and gave her a hug which she returned.

"Hey you wanna sit with us ?" I gladly accepted and went along with them.

"So What's your names ?" I asked them.

"Well I'm Ruby and this Is Belle. " We all smiled and headed to lunch. I guess this day won't be so bad after all. 

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