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I sat there in pure shock. Its can't be. I blinked so many times but hes still there. I looked at my mother to see the same expression except she looked pale.

"Whale...." She spoke softly yet harshly. He smirked and walked closer.

"Stay back!" She yelled. I slowly reached for my remote to let the nurses know somethings up.

My mother was distracting him with death glares and what not. I took my chance and grabbed it and instantly pressed the button.

I looked back up to see Whale staring me down.

"Now what do you think your doing. " I rolled my eyes.

"Calling for help. What does it look like. " I sassed back.

"Ah I still see you have your sass still. "

"What the hell do you want and how did you get out!?" I yelled.

"Theres something called escaping and well I wanted revenge. " My eyes widened I looked at my mother who hasnt moved an inch since hes arrived.

"What are you going to do. " I said not struggling with my words.

"Hm good question. " He slowly approched me and pulled out a sliver object. Once he brought it into my view I sat frozen. A knife.

"So your going to kill me?" He started laughing psychopatically.

"No no thats too easy...I want you to feel pain the way I felt pain. " He made his way towards my mother.

"No no no please not my mom please. " He didnt dare look at me he just grinned evily.

Everything was intrupted by the door bursting open.

"I wouldnt do that if I were you mate. " A thick Irish accent spoke out.  Soon police men everywhere came out and pointed guns at him. He stood frozen and lowered his weapon. The police handcuffed him and took him out.

I got out of bed, not caring about the pain in my rib, i ran to my mother and hugged her like there was no tomorrow. We sobbed as we cherrished the moment.

My eyes went to Killian the man who technically saved us both. I walked towards him and embraced him in a hug also. He glady embraced me. As we pulled apart we didnt let go of eachother but simply looked into each others eyes. I never realized how electrifying his eyes were they were the most precious eyes Ive seen.

We soon both leaned in forgetting that my mother was in the same room with us but I didnt care. I soon felt his soft lips on mine and man was it the best feeling ever. Our lips moved in sync. His lips were warm and soft. But sadly we pulled away for air.

Soon i saw a glimpse of light coming from both out arms. We looked down to see our images forming into a heart-shaped image of a hook and swan together on both our arms. My eyes widened and turned my head to see my mothers reaction.

She squealed and ran towards me holding both my hands.

"Oh my gosh Emma...You found your soulmate sweetie!!" She said now sobbing tears of joy. Tears started forming on my face as I faced Killian and he too had tears and brought me closer and we shared another kiss. This one was filled with passion showing love in the kiss.

Ive never been so happy in my life.

A/N just a filler chapter 💗 this book has a few chapters left sadly :( i love this book so much and I cant believe its almost over. Thanks for all the support I love you all.

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