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I hope the people actually enjoy reading this. I feel like im not doing enough :/ anyways on to the chapter.


I stared at my phone, my mouth slightly hanging out. I was in complete shock to say the lease we were just together this morning well at 5 am.

I looked at my mom and showed her the message and she squealed. We are over exaggerating i know but i feel really happy for some reason?

I realized he sent this text 10 minutes ago and i still havent responded. I quickly typed back a response.

Me- sure :) what time ?

I sighed and shut off my phone until i heard my phone again, getting a text from Killian himself.

Killian- How about in 30 minutes from now at Granny's ?

I smiled and felt butterflies in my stomach.

Me- Ok then. See you there Jones.

After sending the text I went to my room and got ready. It was still quite chilly outside so i decided on my grey coat with dark jeans and boots. I put on bits of makeup, not major but just mascara and concealer.

I walked to the mirror satisfied with my outfit. I grabbed my phone and checked the time. I had 10 minutes to spare so I decided to head out, Im waking anyways. I gathered my belongings and headed out.

"Bye mom see you later!" I shouted.

"Ok be careful sweetheart!" 


I walked myself to Grannys diner. As my stomach is filled with pure excitement. I picked up my pace so I could get there quicker.

I finally saw the diner from my view and smiled. I walked inside and saw Killian already sitting down in a booth. I made my way towards him and sat across from him.

Once he saw me he instantly smiled.

"Hello swan." Smiling widely as he handed me a menu.

"Hi. " i simply said, blushing in the process.

We ended up talking about random things that didnt even make sense. We shared facts about us and our families. One caught me off guard when Killian was telling me about hus mother.

"My mother... was never around as I was growing up. Its always been my brother and I and of course my father. But my mother was sick.. she had cancer..." He paused and took a deep breath. "Once we found out, i felt like my world came tearing down. She lasted a year and after that year s-she was g-gone. " He stopped and I heard a few sobs, my face softened and instantly grabbed his hand.

"Oh Killian Im so sorry. " he smiled sadly and held my hand tightly. In return i gave his hand a slight squeeze in reasurrence that Im here for him. He seemed to have got the message as he looked upon me and nodded smiling.

I looked down just for a moment and my eyes wandered to his hand. I smiled at our hands touching and warm and comforting it felt. It felt so right. I smiled but soon faded as I saw something on his wrist. It looked like an animal or some type of bird. No a  swan. My eyes widened and stood up instantly. Killian must have saw my sudden reaction as he got up also looking at me with worried eyes.

"Swan are you alright?" I shook my head and I knew i had to get out of here.

"Im sorry, but I have to go. " Before he could say anything else I darted for the door and ran. I ran as fast as I could. As I was running images kept popping in my head at random times. The images felt so real but before I could actknowlege them I found myself rolling down a hill top and into a pile of dirt, then soon blacked out.

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