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Warning: mentions of abuse/physical abuse/strong language 

Flashback to 4 years ago in Boston...

Relationships suck. Especially when your mom has a psychopathic boyfriend. I don't understand why she's still with him. I asked her multiple times but she never tells me. I honestly hate him with all my gut. It also sucks because he is my father. Yup its very hard to believe. But it's true. I hate him for everything he's done to us. I don't consider him my father, because he's not. He never raised me, and he's a complete asshole. 

The things he done is unacceptable and never to be forgiven for. He stole stuff, he robbed liquor stores, he would get drunk almost every night, causing my mother and  I fear. I also feared for my mom. Whenever he gets drunk he does things to her for no reason what so ever. He hits her  and calls her names that can easily cause her to burst to tears, which broke my heart. I was never able to do anything about it because whenever he came home my mom always to me to go to my room and lock myself in there. Until one day we both had enough. 

I was currently in the kitchen helping my mother with the dishes and what not, until we heard a door slamming shut. 

"Mary Margret! " My father yelled. I could tell he was drunk by the way he called out to my mother. 

"Yes?!" My mother yelled back. 

"Don't yell at me, you come and tell me face to face! Understood?!" I finally had enough and brushed passed my mother despite her yelling for me to stop what I'm doing.

"No, you don't get to tell her that. She deserves respect. You don't get to tell her what to do she isn't some slave that has to come at your every command. She's a human being for pete sak-"

He cut me off with a slap across my left cheek. I could feel the stinging pain in my cheek. I held my cheek and tried to process what had just happened until he spoke up. 

"Shut up b*tch." My mother came running in eyes wide. 

"Hey! get away from my daughter! You have no right to do that!"

"Actually shes my daughter also." 

"No Im not your daughter. You have never been my father and you never will be." I glared him down, who the hell does he think he is?

"The cops should be here any minute." My mother spoke up making the psychopaths eyes go wide. Before he could react the cops came bursting in. His head whipped around and he instantly froze.

"Hands in the air!" He obeyed and did so. They brought his hands behind his back and cuffed him. As they were walking towards the door he spoke for the last time. 

"I will come back so don't get your hopes up."  I rolled my eyes and once the door shut I felt relieved. He was finally gone.

I looked up at my mother giving her look as to say 'what now?' 

"Emma we have to get out of here, start fresh ya know?" I nodded eagerly. I didn't want to be in this hell hole any longer.

"Where will we go?" 

"A small town in Maine called Storybooke."

"How far?"

"About 4 hours or so." I nodded and gathered everything. We didn't have much which is a good thing I guess. 

Once everything was packed we headed out. I took one last glance at the house that will now be once our home. I sighed as my mother began driving to this mysterious town called Storybook. 

Your probably wondering what happened all those years as a child. 

Well some things are best left forgotten.   

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