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People tend to use such beautiful words to describe many things. Its amazing how people actually have to guts to say the words that mean the most. Sometimes it just slips out and they have no idea what they're saying sometimes but it always tends to make sense.

Some people even use one word that says it all. It can be any word but one word that came out of Killian Jones mouth that night at the Carnival said it all.


Killian was utterly infatuated with Emma Swan. There was no other words to describe how much he admired her. She was something special. The moment they both laid eyes on each other was the moment he knew from that day on he was going to be the death of her.

Sure they had their ups and downs. But thats how everything is fixed right? Everything is not meant to be perfect. Sometimes we make mistakes and its okay because we learn from them. But their mistakes sometimes led to misunderstanding.

There were times that Killian didn't understand Emma and times when Emma didn't understand Killian. Vise versa. But guess what things aren't meant to always be understood because thats just the way life is. If we understood everything there would be no more suprises to well surprise everyone.

The point is no matter what happens in their lives whether its misunderstanding one another or making mistakes everything turns out handy dandy.

Now that night Killian said that one word Emma knew right then and now she loved this man with all her heart.

Love was all to rare in Emmas life. She had these walls that were impossible to break down yet Killian managed to break them down in a blink of an eye, well in Emmas eyes to be exact.

Emma was a difficult person she hardly let anyone in. Thats why she didn't have much friends. Because she didnt trust anyone. She was very careful on who was around her and who she hung out with. (Which is pretty smart if i do say so myself.)

As the years rolled along her walls became thicker. It was like her own walls were closing in on her and hypervenilating as she struggled to breathe as she walked around schools. Thats how bad it was. She would also have panic attacks her and there.

Until that one day in the beginning of Sophomore year where a certain Irish man so happened to bump into her and change everything completely. On that very day she came to realize that he was someone she could actually trust. Even if they haven't known each other that long she felt something inside of her that she hadn't felt in a long time. Hope.

She had hope. She had hope that everything was going to turn out different with Killian. And man was she right despite all the bad things that has happened to the two.

It is now the month of December the two have been together for over a year. As the snow covered the small town of Storybrooke all around. Everyone was inside their homes either enjoying one anothers company watching christmas movies and making smores.

While the two lovers have hot cocoa and a fireplace in their backyard cuddling next to each other for warmth. The night was slowly approaching to where the stars finally appeared. Emma's eyes lit up as she saw the stars magically appear. Killian smiled at his swan. He knew how much she loved star gazing. So thw two sat in the chilly night star gazing.

Soon Killian heard a yawn as he looked down to see his swan fast asleep on his chest. Light snores coming from her mouth. Killian couldn't help but stare at her adorableness. It was like watching a bunny fast asleep.

Killian smiled as he carried Emma bridle style to their room and gently laid her down. Pulling the warm covers over her. He also got under the warm covers wrapping his muscular arms around her waist and kissing her forhead.

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