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Who knew.... who knew I would ever find my Soulmate. After so many years, hes finally here standing right before my eyes.

Killian was gesturing me to take his hand which I glady took as he lead us both into the entrance of the carnival. We walked alongside each other as out hands interwined. I saw a roller coaster and my eyes instantly lit up. I looked at Killian and pointed towards the ride. He chuckled as I drag us both to the ride.

After the ride I felt amazing. After that it made me more excited to go on more rides.

After hours of getting on rides Killian and I decided to relax and go on the ferris wheel as our final ride.

As we got on I instantly scooted towards Killian. He wrapped his arms around me and I smiled and tapped his nose. He scrunched up his nose which was the most adorable thing. I giggled as the ride finally started moving.

The ferris wheel went around about 4 times. Soon they were letting people off one cart at a time. As the ride started moving again it stopped at the very top leaving us up there as other people got off.

The view was amazing. You could see almost everything from up here. I looked at Killian while he was already staring at me.

"What?" I softly asked.

"Your beautiful." I blushed and looked down at my hands fiddling with them. He slowly brought his finger and lifted my chin making me look at him. He cupped my cheek and leaned it. We kissed passionatley. The kiss showed so much emotion, it was magical. Soon we pulled away and he looked at me with his blue eyes.

"I am infatuated with you Emma Swan. "

A/N: fluffish chapter. Sorry if its short its kinda necssary. Theres just one more chapter left but its going to be extra long so be prepared! Love you all.

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