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Darkness. Thats all I saw. A room full of darkness. I blinked a few times but nothing happened. I tried once more and found myself in a forest? I looked around, curious about the area.

I started walking and came to see a dirt path. I furrowed my eyebrows until I heard footsteps I ran to the nearest bush to hide behind. Once I was behind it I looked a bit over to see who it was.

The person I saw looked just like me? Wait what? I-She wore a long yet beautiful white dress with a white cape, she carried a basket with flowers inside of them.

Due to my curiosity I stood up making a bit of noise. Her head shot towards me and smiled walking towards me.

"I was wondering when you'd show up. " She said not sounding freaked out.

"W-What what do you m-mean?"

"I know you must have a lot of questions and comments but for now all you need to know is that these visions that you're  getting are real. And that the cause of them are indeed from that image you seen on Killian's wrist I mean think about it Emma. Your a Swan and hes a hook. " before I could respond everything was turning white and soon found myself opening my eyes again. This time I was met by lights and monitors on my left and right side. I knew i was in the hospital.

I didn't really care at the moment, all I cared about was the words the other me was saying. It was a lot to take in but it kinda makes sense ? I stopped thinking because it was hurting my head.

I heard shuffling on my right side and saw Killian sleeping on a very unconfortable chair. I had no idea he was even here.

I looked at him actknowledging his face call me creepy but I cant help it he looked adorable.

I tried to move to get confortable but groaned in pain in my ribs.

I mustve woke up Killian due to my loud groaning.

"Love are you alright!?" He said looking at me with worried eyes. I nodded.

"Um Killian what h-happened. " I honestly dont remember hurting myself or falling off something.

"After you ran from Grannys you ended up in the forest and fell rolling down the hill onto the dirt. You fell pretty hard which caused you to have a  concussion and a broken rib. " i stared blankly knowing I over reacted which caused me to end up in the stupid hospital.

"Im sorry for running Killian, I overreacted. " i said shakily.

"Its alright love, may I ask why. " instead of responding I grabbed his wrist with the image of a swan on it and showed it to him. He looked at me confusingly. Until i showed him my image of a hook his eyes widened.

He stood up and started walking towards the door.

"Killian wait !" He looked back and slightly smiled.

"I have to go ill be back." And with that he left. For some reason it felt like he was never coming back. But I know i cant give up.

Meanwhile Killian was running. Where? He has no idea but found himself at the library. He rememberes someone telling him about a book that has the answers to his questions that hes been asking since he was a child.

He walked over to the books of shelves and went to the very end of the isle where all the 'old and ancient' books were.

He finally found the book he was looking for and grabbed the dusty book to check it out. The libraian smiled and handed him the book.

He ran home to read the book that had his answers to everything.

A/N Its funny how both Emma and Killian keep running from eachother but its for a good reason right?

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