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A/N: Slight triggering thoughts and suicidal thought. 

I was awaken by my alarm clock alarming me to wake up for the first day of junior year. I groaned and slapped the clock. 6:00 a.m  was what the clock read. I sighed and finally forced myself out of bed. I looked in mirror to see my reflection. And the sight of myself disgusted me. I just wanted to yell at my reflection and punch my mirror. But then realized what I was saying. I shook my head holding my hands above my head and shaking slightly. I could feel tears prickling. I heard my self sob quietly so I wouldn't wake my mother. I have no idea whats been going on with me lately. I just wish I could forget everything that has happened the past 3 years. 

I soon started reminiscing about the past. I was at the urge of tears. I finally had enough and released the tears. I cried into my pillow and oh so hoping to have these thoughts leave. I knew I had to tell someone because I knew that if I  keep shutting people out, things will get worse. And of course that one person is Killian Jones. 


Killian's Perspective 

I was currently eating breakfast silently at the dining table by myself. My parents were on a business trip and my brother was already at work. I sighed and put my dish in the sink. I check the clock and to see I still had plenty of time. So I just decided to watch t.v and relax a bit. 

10 minutes into the movie I was currently watching I heard my phone vibrate. I was kind of confused because in all honesty no one really texts me. I grabbed my phone and turned it on to see the notification was a message from the one and only Emma Swan. 

I really didn't expect her to even message me. She hasn't talked to me all summer. I tried contacting her to see if she was okay but she never responded. I just thought she needed space or just wanted to left alone, so that's what I did. I shook my head due to the thoughts of that last day in sophomore year and began to read the message. 

Emma: Hey Killian, I know It's been quite a while since we spoke. Im really sorry I just needed some time to myself. I really need to talk to you, is it okay if you meet me at school right now? Its okay if you don't want to I totally understand. 

I didn't know what to say. I was angry. Because she said she needed space but this 'space' took 3 months. I know this sounds very selfish but she at least could've told me she was alright so I didn't have to be worried sick. But I am still going to go because she still is my friend. And I should be there for her regardless of what it is. 

Me: Don't worry Emma It's okay I think, I'm on my way. 

I grabbed my belongings and headed to school. 

Once I arrived there I was Emma sitting on one of the benches outside the school. She was fiddling with her hands when I sat next to her. I guess she felt my presence because she began speaking. 

"Hi Killian.. " 

"Swan." I simply said. I wanted to know- no I needed  to know why she shut me out for the past 3 months without any notice. And I needed to know if she was okay. 

"Look I am truly sorry for not talking to you for 3 months straight. I just- I just needed some space." There she goes again with her and needing 'space' I made a huge mistake and let my anger slightly take over. 

"Space?! Emma you needed space for 3 straight bloody months??! You never even answered my texts! I was worried sick. You didn't even bother telling me you were alright Emma!" She flinched at my sudden tone. I can tell she was not expecting this at all. Neither was I. 

"I know I know and I understand that your angry with me you have every right to be. I should have told you that I was alright. I should have told you what was going on with me. I should have to you why I was being so distant. I should have talked to you when I needed someone. I shouldn't have shut you out and Im s-sorry Killian!" She was a sobbing mess at this point. I had no Idea she had all these emotions bottled up inside. Yet my anger got the best of me. 

I stepped forward and tried my best to comfort her. 

"Shhh swan It's alright love. Its okay... everything is going to be okay. " 

Little did Emma know this guy was going to be a piece of her. 


A/N: lol i love how this story has so many plot twists. This story I meant to be confusing. But in some chapters there will be explantions and hints on why some of this stuff is happening to Emma. Anyways thank you all so much for 200 reads I love you all 

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