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Its not good to go through things alone. I guess you can say it's dangerous. Because you never know what can happen when you're alone. Anything can happen. Especially when you have a psychopath sending threats to you mother including myself. Who is this psychopath I am speaking of?  Well he isn't important right now. Just know he was the one to cause everything. He's the reason we moved to Storybrooke in the first place. He's the reason why I've been shutting everyone out, including my best friend. 

Gosh he didn't deserve any of this. I want to tell him oh so badly. But I can't I just can't. I can't risk him getting hurt. If he knew about Killian he would come after him too. I wish I could talk to someone anyone, instead of talking to the mist coming from the foggy winds. 

Life isn't fair, but hey what they all say is life is never meant to be fair. We all make mistakes but his mistake was taken too far. I wish I could forget everything that has happened maybe travel back in time to fix everything. But there is no such thing as time travel nor magic.

All these thoughts are too much for my brain to take in. So I instantly stopped myself from thinking any further. 

I had recently made up with Killian and there were some tears involved due to my frustration and sadness taking over me. I just needed to calm down and have a friend to at least understand why I'm being so distant. And Im glad Killian was that person, the way he comforted me was nice and relaxing. It was something I needed to feel or know the everythings going to be ok. He gave me the reassurance. 


I was on my way to Granny's along with Killian. I had asked him if he wanted to catch up and talk a bit so here we are heading to our favorite diner in town. Once we arrived we took our seats in a booth across from each other. I was about to speak up when someone came up and that was my friend Ruby. 

"Oh my gosh Emma! Where have you been I was worried sick!" 

"Oh Ruby Im sorry some stuff happened over the summer which kinda made me traumatized, I just needed my mom at the moment sorry If I caused trouble." 

"Em's Its totally fine I completely understand. Anyways I got a job here so now Im a waitress." She smiled widely. 

"Wow thats great." I giggled. 

"Ya, well what can I start you two off with?" I looked at Killian letting him know he can order first. 

"Oh well I will just have a coffee and fries." 

"And I will have grilled cheese with hot cocoa with cinnamon." Ruby nodded and wrote our order down and said she'd be right back with our food and drinks. Sooner or later me and Killian started having a conversation while we were waiting. 

"So Killian, I don't think I ever asked you what you do on your free time." Its true actually even though we knew each other for a year doesn't mean I know him.

"Well Swan I like to play guitar and sometimes sing. And whenever I need time for myself or some piece and quiet I go to the docks and sail on my brothers ship. "Jewel of the Realm" Its extraordinary." He said with eyes lit up as he talked about his hobbies. It was indeed extraordinary. I can't believe I never knew this. I mentally pinched myself for not knowing this. After him saying this he spoke more about why he loves sailing and playing guitar. It was incredible on how he felt about these things. He was very passionate about them. I can see why. This is what makes him well him. And there is nothing anyone can do to change that ever.    

A/N: The beginning of this chapter was quite confusing but oh whale :) Just so you know I never said this story was just going to complete happiness. This story has so many twists in it and a whole lot of confusion kinda like a puzzle and you have to piece together recent events to match the previous events. 

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