"I really don't have a clue what I'm wearing to this Halloween party" I sighed to Austin as I looked online for some form of outfit that wasn't going to make me look like a giant goon, "something short" he suggested with a smirk, "are you kidding? Mrs Peters will have a fit" I looked at him seriously, "so would I?" he winked, "that doesn't even make sense" I laughed and he shrugged, "what are you wearing?" I asked him, "I don't know maybe a pumpkin" he shrugged, and I laughed at him. "Why a pumpkin?" I questioned, "they're round and full of juices, like myself" he laughed, "you're actually quite vile" I rolled my eyes, "you love me though" he chuckled holding my hand, "it's a good job" I chuckled before he kissed me on the cheek, "maybe you should go as the joker?" I suggested, "that's not a bad idea. However, there is a slight problem" he sighed, "and what's that?" I questioned, "I can't do Halloween makeup" he shrugged, "and you were gonna go as a pumpkin?" I laughed, "painting my face orange doesn't require effort" he said leaning back and putting his feet on the desk, "apparently not to Samantha" I muttered to myself, a joke clearly pointing out her over oranged foundation. Austin laughed at my comment, "you do make me laugh" he chuckled, "good" I nodded.
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Drew's POV:
I had to ditch Beth in order to get this record deal and frankly it was easier than I thought, she thought she was playing me so good but this Halloween party was definitely my chance to change that. Pfft, girls.
"We'll get Austin to rehearse with us at the end of the day. Shame he's teaching" I told the two boys, "with Austin's vocal we're sure to beat down Sara and co." Levi chuckled, "yeah, well. That's not a risk I'm going to take" I sighed as we began to rehearse.
Once we had run through our song several times we took a break, "we need more energy on the next one" I told the boys, "Drew, if our energy gets any higher, they'll be putting us in the next energy drink" Nate sighed, causing Levi to chuckle, "I know, but the idea of us not getting that record deal is starting to really haunt me, so run through one last time" I told the boys.
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We ran through the song again, I sang Austin's part to fill in for him. "Wow, you're good" we heard an unfamiliar voice from behind us, we turned to see a band we valued highly. We all stood looking at The Vamps starstruck, "thanks, we're rehearsing" I finally spoke, "sounds awesome, can't wait to hear you at the Christmas show" Brad smiled at us. There was a rumor that the Vamps had started their own label and were looking for some talent to start off and that could be us, "is it just the three of you?" James asked, "n-no. Our lead singer is teaching" Levi told them, "Oh Austin Corini, yeah we've seen him. We like his voice we'd been thinking of signing him and now we know he's in a band that persuades us even more" Tristan replied looking from us to his band mates then back to us, "Wow that's awesome" I nodded, "yeah, you perform well at the show and you'll be hearing from us, what are your names?" Brad asked, "I'm Drew, this is Levi and that on the drums there is Nate" I pointed to each of us, "do you have a band name?" Connor asked, "Yeah, we're the tide" Levi smiled, "the tide. Awesome. Well we'll see you round guys keep up the good work" Brad smiled at us before they left.
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"What just happened?" Nate questioned still starstruck, the three of us couldn't help but laugh and celebrate at what they had just told us, "We've got this in the bag" I smiled in delight, "fame here we come" Levi yelled to the sky. Finally, some good news.
Beth's POV:
Me and Sara were wondering around the school, looking for a decent place to sit. "Little chavs everywhere" I sighed with frustration, "tell me about it" Sara nodded in agreement, we continued walking. I had my head down so when Sara grabbed my arm it was a bit of a shock. "Ahh, fucking hell Sara" I cursed at her, "Bethany look" she said pointing, I turned my head, still in pain from my arm grabbing but that pain quickly disappeared at the sight before us. "Why are The Vamps here?" I questioned, "who cares leggo" Sara said dragging me in their direction.
When we were closer she let go of me and started to act more 'natural'. We walked past them, "Sara the fuck-" but I was cut off by the sound of someone wolf-whistling after us, "fucking who was that too?" Sara questioned, "trying not to think about it" I told her, "let's just keep walking" she told me.
"Didn't your mother ever tell you it's rude to ignore" we heard Brad's Birmingham accent chase us, we both turned around, "Didn't yours tell you it's rude to stare" Sara called back as they walked closer, "Sara don't say that" I whisper-yelled at her. "Yeah, but I never listen" Brad smiled at her as the four of them got closer, "I guess we have that in common then" she shrugged whilst smirking at him. You could tell she was trying not to scream in excitement. A couple months ago she wouldn't have been able to look at Brad, never mind back chat him.
"So what are your names?" Brad asked us both, "I'm Beth" I spoke up, "Pretty" Tristan smiled at me, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
"So who are you? Or do I just call you little miss cocky" Brad smirked looking at Sara. "Sara. My names Sara" she said flipping her hair over her shoulder, Wow Sara you're such a brat sometimes. "Sara, I think it works perfectly" his deep brown eyes stared into her soul, I don't know how she's being so cool. "Yeah, it means princess so, yeah pretty much" she shrugged, "vain much?" he laughed, "just a little" she smiled, "so where you headed?" James asked us, "we didn't really have a plan, we were looking for somewhere to sit" I told him, "Well we're not doing anything. Come sit with us. You can tell us all about yourselves" Brad smirked but didn't take his eyes off Sara once. One of these days I will kill her. "We'd love to" I spoke, Sara was too busy falling in love with Brad to care to speak.
So finally after 20 chapters I have introduced The Vamps