It's been two months since Sara left and went to LA and everything had just been work, the group hardly saw each other, especially The Tide. Samantha, Mia, Beth joined by me, Reece and Blake accompanied the vamps on the rest of their Europe tour. The Tide all felt after everything that they needed their families, they all went back to America, mainly for a break, which is something I could use. I want to see my best friend, after saying we'd stay in touch I'd talked to her like twice, we were both so busy and the time differences made things so hard, also I kinda felt like she didn't give a damn, especially after her recent success of her first single, she had beaten Samantha to the number one spot and she was 'hot talk' on social media, we'd always hear something had gone on, "spotted walking out of a club with yet another guy" she seemed to be living the high life in LA and although I was happy that she was doing so well, I think it's all gone to her head and that doesn't bode well for someone like Sara.
"Boys!" Brad shouted to us from down the hallway, me, Reece and Blake all turned round, he waved us to where he was and into a room, where everyone else was, "what's up?" Reece asked, "how do you boys feel like a holiday?" Tristan asked, "We're getting a holiday!" Blake looked excited, "well kinda we thought we all needed a break so we're going to go to LA and kick back but at the same time look for inspiration for music, we work at a studio nearby where we're staying so we're going to go and relax, it's right near the beach and the tide boys have said they're going to come too" James told us with his arm around Beth, "wow! When are we going?" I said excited, "the weekend, Saturday to be more precise, so I'd get your things together" Brad smiled, I went to speak but Brad stopped me with a gesture, "I know what you're going to say George. Joe is going to get in touch with Sara and tell her that well be around her area, whether she wants to meet is completely up to her but we thought it would be best if Joe asked her after everything that went on" Brad informed us with a smile, "it'll be a surprise if she can get her giant head out of her door" Reece chuckle, we all laughed.
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Mia's POV:
After finding out the news that we'd all be going to LA I rushed to my laptop and video called Austin, "hey you, what's up?" he said with a big smile, "I'm coming to LA" I said excitedly, "I heard I can't wait to see you again" he said with a smile, "I've missed you so much" I said excitedly, "I've missed you too, it's been far to quiet without all the drama" he chuckled causing me to laugh, "speaking of which? Are Nate and Drew all good?" I asked him, "not sure, not spoke to the lads much everything has been a little tense but I think they're better, I think not seeing Sara has really helped Nate which means he's definitely getting over the whole incident, how's Beth?" Austin asked, "meh, her and James are good but I don't think she's overly fixed on the relationship" I shrugged, "why's that?" he asked, "that's a silly question Austin, she loves Drew" I said with an obvious tone, "oh right yeah" he chuckled, "so, are you happy?" he added, "happy as I can be without you, so pretty good" I chuckled, "gee thanks" I scoffed, "I'm kidding, George, Reece and Blake are pretty good company when Beth's not around, and Brad and Tris are hilarious" I shrugged, "how are the vamps boys?" he asked, "Connor spends a lot of time with Samantha, James obviously is with Beth, when Tristan isn't on the phone with his girlfriend he's with Brad, who by the way is doing a lot better than George about the whole Sara situation" I told him, "why what's up with George?" Austin furrowed his brow, "he's quieter than usual, he just seems uncomfortable and more than usual, I don't know, it'd be more obvious if he wasn't already a nervous wreck but I can see he's not alright, I don't think he's heard from Sara as much as he wanted to" I said sadly, "well maybe he'll get to see her when you all come over" Austin shrugged, "I hope he does, it's not fair on him" I told him, I heard someone shouting me and I sighed, "I've gotta go, destiny calls" I told him with a smile, "I'll see you soon" he smiled as I closed my laptop and headed towards the voice.
Short chapter but I'm trying to actually get some writing done seen as I'm shit at updating recently, but hope you enjoyed that chapter xx