Chapter 5

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I woke up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated, ready for the busy and boring school day ahead, I hopped out of bed and waltzed into the bathroom, and climbed into the shower, I washed my hair and body, and then got out, I left my hair to dry naturally as I couldn't be bothered to dry it. Then I pulled on my clothes, a black tank top, a red and black checked shirt, and dark wash denim shorts; I still wasn't used to the Californian heat. After I'd grabbed my bag and boots, I plodded down the stairs into the kitchen to see the boys and Lau sat at the breakfast bar, all eating their cereal, and I front of the empty seat was my cup of black coffee, looking very appetising with small curls of steam rising off the top.

"Morning all!" I yelled, I was met with a reply of groans. "Oh, so you guys aren't morning people then?", once again, I was met with grumbles.

"What happened to you, you're all dark, moody and mysterious, we've not straightened you out already have we, Charlie?" Carter grumbled in my direction.

"Nope, not at all, I'm all happy and nice in the morning, and I get moodier throughout the day, the opposite to you guys basically" I replied with a cheery smile " Now, I've got to get to school early because I missed my detention yesterday, so, I'll see you all later" and with that, I leapt off my stool, went out to the garage, started my bike up, and left for school.

I shortly arrived at school, and made my way to the science department, where I was met by a furious Dr Saville.

"I told you after school detentions, not before school!" He roared at me

"We'll I'm here now, so I'll take my punishment now thanks"

"Fine, clean my classrooms floors, I want to be able to see my face in them, when you've done, that's how shiny they should be!" He shrieked

"Are you sure Sir, you wouldn't want to turn to stone now would you" I retorted, he just glared at me and swept, yes swept out of the classroom, leaving me to mop the floors. Luckily back in England, I had received this punishment many times, so I was quick at getting the floors to a high shine. By the time I'd finished, the bell for first period had just rung, so I strolled off to my French lesson, and walked in just as the late bell rang, so thankfully no more detentions for me!

I slunk towards the back of the classroom and sat in between Chrissy and Tyler, Carter, Matt, and Jess were all on the row in front of us. I spoke very good French from going on holiday there a couple of times with my family, so I didn't really need to listen, therefore Tyler and I were passing notes, playing dares on, so far I had dared him to ask Chrissy on a date, let’s put it this way, he wasn't happy, whereas she was over the moon, I thought she was going to start squealing. Then, he dared me to skip Chemistry next lesson, and I don't back down from dares, so I agreed, and I would undoubtedly earn myself more detentions, I then dared him to skip the rest of the day with me, and go to Starbucks, of course he agreed. So after the French lesson finished, we headed out to the parking lot, and jumped on our separate motorbikes, and agreed to meet at the coffee shop.

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