Chapter 10

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Noticing that Chrissy was still fast asleep, we glanced at each other and exchanged evil smiles , hatching up a plan…

“Right, Carter and Tyler you get her legs, Parker and Jack, you get her arms, and I’ll get her head” Matt hissed his commands to each person with a large smirk plastered across his face. The boys immediately moved into their positions and lifted her off the ground.

“Geez, how much does she weigh?” Jack asked incredulously “I mean she looks so skinny, but weighs a ton!” he continued still looking puzzled.

“Maybe it’s muscle weight?” Parker offered his suggestion looking hopeful, only to be shot down by Carter’s remark of

“Yeah, I bet it’s all in that ass, I mean dayum!” he finished the sentence by changing the pitch of his voice to seem more feminine. The boys sniggered at his crude remark, whilst all of the girls, beside myself glared at him and his apparent rudeness; but he was only being honest!

“Right onwards with the plan then!” Jack exclaimed as quietly as you can exclaim, anyway. The boys slowly edged their way down towards the water’s edge, taking their time so that they wouldn’t wake Chrissy.

“Oh my God, I can’t believe they’re going to do this, it’s not going to end up well, at all!” Alexis whined whilst myself, Jess and Emma were all trying to keep our laughs to minimum volume.

“Someone get the camera!” Emma whispered to us, nodding I quickly jogged up to where it was, and grabbed it from its sleek black case and sprinted back to the water’s edge were the girls had huddled themselves together under the Californian sun that was beginning to spread it’s heat across the golden sands. Nodding towards the boys holding Chrissy’s sleeping body I turned the camera on and began to take photos. Her limp body was swung backwards, forwards, backwards and then it was released. Chrissy went flying into the air and we saw her eyes snap open, then a shrill scream fell from her lips and was only silenced when she plunged into the cool water.

Chrissy surfaced to the sound of our laughter drifting across the beach towards her. As she exited the water, she gave us all a death glare and silenced our laughter. “You” she glared at me, as though it was all my fault, which it clearly wasn’t!! Then she suddenly burst out laughing “That. Was. Brilliant.” She stuttered in between laughs. I think it was safe to say that after that, we were all shocked; I know my jaw certainly hit the floor! “Any way SOCAL moment!” after she trilled those two horrific words, everyone suddenly got into a group, and smiled at nothing in particular, Emma had dragged me into this strange smiling group of people  so, I too smiled at nothing in particular. It all made sense though when Tyler pried the camera from my grasp, and moved towards the front of the group and took several photos of us all.

“Okay, so that was very ‘WIldchild’ moment” I declared and was met by puzzled looks from everyone. “What? You know the whole ‘Malibu Moment!’ thing when the spoilt Malibu rich girl jumps off a cliff and her father sends her to boarding school in England?” I asked them all, there was no response.

“Honey” Chrissy spoke to Alexis “Isn’t that Lauren Williams, you know, from last year? I’m pretty sure she didn’t jump off a cliff but the rest of the story fits?” she asked and Alexis replied with a nod.

“No, no, it’s a film, like a movie. It’s one of the biggest chick flicks ever, I mean, even I’ve seen it!” I sighed exasperatedly at them all; sometimes it was really difficult trying to explain things to people from a different country. “Never mind” I sighed, dismissing the subject. “Right, I saw that we all head back up to the house and get changed and eat, because I’m hungry” I stated, and tramped up the beach and in to the house, the rest of the group following behind me.

“Okay, so we all need showers and clothes, Charlie, will you go and ask my mum for three sets of guys’ clothes and four sets of girls’ clothes please? Matt asked me, and I nodded and charged up the stairs in search of Lau. She quickly agreed and left to get them from her studio for us all, whilst everyone else was sent to one of the bathrooms, or had to wait to use one. Plodding back into my room, the girls were all sat on my bed with wet hair and their towels wrapped tightly around themselves.

“Okay, so Lau should be bringing you some clothes in a minute, and I’m just going to take a quick shower” I called to them whilst entering my bathroom. I quickly showered and washed my hair, and then I went back out to my room where the girls were all dressed in designer clothes, courtesy of Lau; I half expected them to be squealing over them, but then I remembered that they’re rich, so this was normal for them all. After mulling over this thought while I was stood in my closet, I picked out some jean shorts and a dusky pink tank top that was Dior I think, I then paired it with some matching pink heels. By the time I had done all of that, by myself, I might add, Lau was waiting in my room with the girls, so that she could do my hair and makeup. Eventually we were all done and the girls were playing on my laptop.

“Ummm, what are you doing?” I asked uncertainly, praying that they hadn’t deleted any of my games.

“We’re on your Facebook page” Alexis replied quickly, seemingly fascinated with the screen. “Oh, and don’t worry, we’re not posting anything, we’re just adding all of the people at our school for you” she continued happily. It was actually really helpful of them to do that, I’d been meaning to do that for a while, but I hadn’t gotten around to doing it.

“We’ve made new photo albums and started to fill them; there’s one called ‘CALIFORNIA’ which you’ll use for pictures of everything Californian, and then there’s one called ‘SOCAL CREW’ which means Southern Californian Crew, which is basically pictures from the beach last night, and when we have a SOCAL moment” Emma rambled on, trying to make sure I had understood everything that had been said, I nodded at her, and prepared myself for the next thing.

“Oh, and we changed your profile picture to one of you last night” Chrissy added, continuing to tap away on the keyboard. “And don’t worry, it’s a nice one; you’ve already got  seventy likes, and that’s only about half of our class, so I think there will overall be around five hundred likes if we’re going off the amount of like I get for my pictures.” She continued, still not looking up from the screen. “Oh, but there’s all the British people too, so you’ll probably have around eight hundred likes!” she finished looking up at me, smiling at how popular I would be. I smiled back, finding it funny how important she found the number of likes on a Facebook picture.

“Here’s the picture” Jess mumbled whilst turning the screen around so I could see. For once I actually looked decent; I was laughing at the person behind the camera; my cheeks were flushed from the alcohol, and my blonde hair was tousled and was perched on my right shoulder. Overall it was a pretty good picture.

A/N: hey, sadly I'm back at school now, so I'm not too sure how frequent the updates will be from now on, sorry. Also, I have over 200 reads, which is just wow, I never, ever expected that amount of reads, so thank you for reading! I've seen other authors do this, so I thought that I'd give it a go, so I have a goal for the next chapter, can we see if we can get 40 votes on the book, there's already 17 I think, so if you wouldn't mind pressing that little vote button please?? Thanks x

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