Chapter 30

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I woke up, ready and raring to go to school; I was in a good mood today, since the accident I’d had really powerful mood swings that even shocked me sometimes. Once I was ready for school, I went straight to my car, noticing that Dave and Lau were back, I hadn’t seen anyone last night, I’d just stayed up in my room, ignoring everyone and blasting loud music through the speaker system I’d set up.

Arriving at school, I ignored the curios stares as I made my way to my locker; being one of the elites, everyone knew what I was doing and when I was doing it, so I would imagine that everyone knew I’d stormed out of school yesterday. Once I arrived at my locker the crew were there waiting for me, and greeted me normally I assumed that Carter and Matt had told them about my outburst and that it would be best to ignore it. I grabbed my stuff from my locker and just as I was about to close it, a pair of arms draped themselves around my waist.

“Guess who?” a guy’s voice said; it sounded like JJ, but I thought he was joining a school in Huntington or Newport.

“Uh, Easter Bunny?”



“No” the voice sighed.

“Channing Tatum?”

“No, it’s John-John!” JJ exclaimed.

“I knew that!” I replied, and turned around to give him a hug. “So, what are you doing here?” I asked, whilst walking to down the corridor with him.

“Well, I had to join school, so I figured I’d join with Dave’s kids, and you just happen to go here too” JJ replied

“Hm, not sure I entirely believe that!” I joked as I turned away to go to homeroom, throwing JJ a wink over my shoulder. He stopped in the middle of the corridor

“Where are you going?” he called

“Homeroom” I replied.

“What’s”- I heard him begin, but I went into my homeroom before he could reply.

The day ran smoothly, I got lots of curious stares throughout the day, and JJ was accepted into the elites immediately, of course h would be though. J had refused to speak to me for the whole day, because I was mean to him earlier.

In the parking lot after school, I had an idea “We should all hang on the beach tonight?” I sort of asked, sort of told the crew. They all nodded and promised to meet us back at the house.

That night we went surfing, chilled around the campfire, and watched Carter try to sing karaoke which was definitely a highlight.

The rest of the week was filled with detentions for Tyler and I, and we all had school and assignments so do, so we didn’t get to spend that much time together really, one of the main reasons school was so rubbish.

I didn’t hear from my mother again in the week, I assumed she was still cooling off from our fight on Monday.

On Friday Alexis told us some pretty big news; her parents owned a hotel in LA, and she had organised for us all to spend the weekend up there, surfing, shopping and partying. It’s going to be a laugh, that’s a promise, but I wasn’t looking forward to the shopping part of the trip. So Friday night and afternoon was spent packing the latest designer clothes into a designer travel bag, courtesy of Lau. I was also given a coaching session on how to do my hair and makeup, since my hair was back to blonde now, it would look really odd if I had dark makeup and light hair, or so I was told.

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