Chapter 27

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Music was blaring through the speakers, I’d lost count of the amount of compliments I’d received about my hair and outfit, my vision was slightly blurry already and it was only midnight.

Currently I was grabbing a cup of water to provide a layer of non-alcohol for stomach to digest. Chugging the water down, I noticed the crew back at the centre of the dance floor, leading the whole school in a party that could never ever be bettered. I felt a pair of strong arms slide around my stomach and lift me up.

“What the hell?” I yelled whilst laughing, there was no way I could be heard over the loud music and I assumed it was Tyler messing around.

“Well, hello there” a low voice that wasn’t Tyler’s addressed me.

“Who is it?” I giggled, the booze making me forget how to behave.

“Your favourite professional surfer” was the answer I got.

“I don’t know any surfers” I giggled back.

“Really?” the voice asked me in a childish tone.

“Really” I confirmed in an equally childish voice. I tried to turn around to see the owner of the voice, but his arms held me in place. “Let me go” I slurred out, reaching for another red cup from the table, grasping onto it I brought to my lips and downed it. The liquid was definitely not water, it tasted more like Tequila to me. I winced at its sharpness and continued to try and turn around.

Eventually I managed to turn around in the stranger’s arms, upon seeing the stranger, I squealed like a four year old.

“JJ! How come you’re here?” I giggled.

“Someone’s a bit giggly I see” his handsome face smiled at me. I nodded at him.

“I have to go dance” I stated, I’d seen Emma and Alexis beckoning me over to the floor.

“Mind if I join?” he asked

“Sure” I absentmindedly nodded my head and grabbed onto JJ’s hand to drag him into the centre of the dance floor. As soon as we reached the crew, I fell into the rhythm, threw my hands into the air and began to dance like there was no tomorrow since everyone else was doing the same. Throughout the night, people who weren’t as ‘cool’ as us kept bringing us drinks so we wouldn’t have to stop dancing, I felt bad for them; the only reason they were doing it was to try and get in with the crew, but I knew Chrissy would never allow it. Nevertheless, I drunk the drinks I was bought and danced into the early hours of the morning.

I eventually stopped dancing when I noticed Chrissy and JJ had left; I wanted to see where they’d gone. Stumbling through the house I noticed that a lot of people had left, I’d say there were about fifty people left. I soon spotted Chrissy and JJ, he was leant against a wall, and she was stood in front of him. They were arguing.

“Why don’t you want me?” she drunkenly cried.

“I don’t like you that way Chrissy and I don’t want to take advantage of you” he reasoned, sounding relatively sober in comparison to her.

“You like her more than me don’t you?” Chrissy sobbed

“Who’s her?” JJ asked, looking puzzled.

“Charlie” she spat, I flinched at the venom in her voice. JJ didn’t reply to her. “Just like everyone else does huh? Everyone prefers the silly, funny carefree British girl. They all do.” She began to shout. “And she doesn’t even know it, she’s too naïve. God, next thing she’ll be Queen Bee!” she shrieked.

“I think you should calm down” JJ soothed, stroking Chrissy’s arm but she pulled away from his touch.

“Just so you know, you’ll have to fight a few people for her” Chrissy hiccoughed. “It seems she’s captured the school’s heart. And anyway, why would she choose you?” she finished, turning on her heel and stalking back to the party. Quickly I steeped backwards and followed Chrissy back to the party to find the crew left over, everyone had gone home it appeared.

I sat down with the rest of the crew and continued to drink from the bottle that were being passed around. At some point, JJ came in and joined us in our underage drinking.

As the sun came up I felt myself drifting off to sleep, similar to everyone else, and so we fell asleep in the living room, on the plush sofas.

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