Chapter 31

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On Saturday, I woke up early, but it was only because of my alarm going BEEP BEEP BEEP, getting more and more angry with each repetition. So I climbed out of bed and got myself ready; after showering, I blow-dried my now blonde hair, and dressed myself in comfy leggings and a BOY London jumper, even without Lau’s help, I still managed to look fairly fashionable. Grabbing my bag and my coffee I left the house, along with Carter and Matt to begin the short drive to Alexis’.

We arrived at Alexis’ house quickly, to find a group of black SUVs waiting to take us four hours up the coast to LA. By the looks of it, the crew were already in the cars, getting themselves settled.

 “Yo! Charlie!” a voice called from one of the cars, I whipped my head around to see who it was.

“JJ?” I asked, the owner of the voice looked and sounded like JJ.

“Don’t be so surprised, I am part of the crew now” he replied to me with a goofy grin. “Come in this car for the journey?” he asked hopefully. I peered through the windows to discover Tyler, Carter, Jess and of course JJ in the car.

“Sure” I replied, and hopped in to the vehicle next to Jess in the backseat, Tyler was driving, so I assumed the usually four hour journey would be shortened to three hours with his reckless driving.

Once everybody was in the cars, Alexis honked the horn, and we set off on the long drive.

“Are we nearly there yet?” Carter whined, only thirty minutes into the journey.


“Are you sure?”


“So are we nearly there?”





“Do you want to shut up now?” Tyler butted in, clearly growing annoyed with the conversation.

“But”- before Carter could finish his sentence, Tyler pushed the button on the dash board and the radio came on at a painfully loud volume, making me shift my shoulders upwards in a wince. The tune on the radio changed into a screamo song, so thankfully Tyler turned the music down a bit.

“So, when do you think we’ll get there?” Carter asked with a smile, clearly trying to annoy Tyler again.

“I swear to goodness if you don’t shut up about arriving in LA soon, I will punch you” Tyler growled at him, causing the car to descend into silence for the rest of the journey, clearly Tyler was in a bad mood.

After another hour of silence, we saw the iconic skyline of the city of angels come into view.

“Yay! We’re here!” Jess cooed with a smile gracing her lips. “Shopping time now!” she announced as soon as we began to make our way to the hotel.

“Wait. No one told me we were shopping!” JJ whined with wide eyes.

“Not a fan?” I smirked

“What do you think?” he asked rhetorically, making me laugh at him, if he hated shopping, he sure would hate this weekend, that’s all we would be doing; traipsing up and down Rodeo Drive armed with credit cards and designer handbags.

Tyler pulled the car up in the hotel’s parking lot, next to the other SUV with the rest of the crew in it. Jumping down from the car, I stretched my arms and legs and opened the boot of the vehicle to grab my bag. Once I’d got the designer luggage, I followed Alexis and Chrissy into the grand hotel.

“Oh, Alexis, you’re back!” One of the doormen called after us as we made our way to the receptionist’s desk.

“Hi there Alexis, is it the rooms your parents organised?” the lady behind the desk questioned with a smile.

“Yeah” she nonchalantly replied.

“Here’s the key cards then” she smiled, and gave the crew a key card each. Alexis lead the way towards the elevators.

“The wonders of being a Daddy’s princess” JJ muttered sarcastically into my ear when we were stood in the elevator.

“The wonders of being a professional surfer” I bit back at him, making his handsome features break out into a grin. The elevator gave off a DING! Signalling we had arrived at the top floor of the hotel. Picking up the Louis Vuitton large weekend bag Lau had given me, I left the elevator with JJ in tow, to find the four suites with their doors open, similar to Vegas.

“Right, I say we hit the shops today, and then surf tomorrow?” Alexis suggested, bouncing from foot to foot with excitement, her idea was met by nods all around.

“Let’s do that, but we have to change first” Chrissy agreed. The girls went into the suite straight opposite us, whilst the boys took the one behind us. Dumping the contents of my bag on the floor, I came across a pair of light wash Gucci skinny jeans, and a white Chanel tank top with the simple logo in black. Hurriedly I pulled the clothes on and brushed through my long blonde hair, and pulled it over one shoulder. I lifted the pre-packed Louis Vuitton tote bag from the floor, to find a pair of Miu-Miu aviator shades, which I popped on top of my head, and a matching purse which was stuffed with various black and gold credit cards, some of which were tied to my bank account, some of them tied to Lau’s accounts.

AN: keep voting :)

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