Chapter 17

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After the fun day yesterday, I realised I would have to be going back to school today. I didn’t want to go, I wanted to continue spending the week surfing just like I’d spent the first part of it. I also wanted to spend time hanging out with JJ again because he was pretty cool. But alas, I had to go back to school to learn things that I already knew.

This morning I woke early and showered and sadly, yet again I was greeted by the sight of a pink and girly outfit neatly laid out on my bed. Joy oh joy, hastily I pulled on the clothes and then rushed into Lau’s room to get my hair and makeup done. After about twenty minutes of that, I ran downstairs in just enough time to grab my coffee and get into Carter’s car, it appears that I was running late.

“Morning” Carter greeted. “No bike this morning?” he asked me with a tone of curiosity to his voice.

“Can’t.” I took a sip of my scalding hot coffee “Dare” another sip “Tyler”. Apparently that was all I needed to say because he nodded in understanding and floored the accelerator in order to get to school on time.

When we got to school, my knees felt like jelly and I thought I was going to throw up. That’s how bad of a driver Carter was. Slowly stepping out of his car, the heads in the parking lot turned and there were a few shocked faces because of my return. I had already prepared myself for the rumours and lies that would have been spread and worked through our school’s rumour mill. You see, I was used to this sort of thing, having been expelled eighteen times and all.

“I thought she was expelled”

“She’s got some nerve showing her face here”. Sadly those a just a few of the vicious things hissed and whispered behind hands to people; but I was fine with this, I wasn’t a weak fourteen year old girl anymore. No, I was Charlie Cassidy, and this school could go to hell for all I care. I reached my locker without showing any emotion, and after gathering my books, I turned on my heel to find all of the crew waiting for me.

“We missed you so much!” Chrissy squealed just before she wrapped my athletic figure up in her skinny one. There were nods of agreement from everyone so I smiled and nodded too.

“So, we heard you met someone yesterday” Alexis drawled at me with a suggestive tone. Chrissy changed her stance; her hip was cocked and her arms were folded across her chest.

“Elaborate” Parker smirked. I couldn’t help blushing thinking of the amazing day I had yesterday with JJ.

“Well” I began “yesterday Dave took me to Huntington Beach to surf and I met someone called John-John Florence; he’s a surfer, you might know him” I talked as we walked, but after finishing my sentence, Chrissy stopped in the middle of the corridor.

“OH EMM GEE!” she shrieked, causing everyone in the corridor to go silent; they wanted to know what was going on the ‘elite’ world.

“You met John-John Florence and didn’t tell me!” she continued.

“Yeah, sorry, I didn’t think you’d know him, and call him JJ, his full name’s to long to say” I shrugged her off.

“Wait. The John-John Florence is letting you call him JJ?” she asked, to which I nodded. “He doesn’t let anyone give him a nickname, not even his closest friends, I cannot believe this! I mean, I saw in one of his Keek videos that he said he’d only let a girl he liked give him a nickname.” There was silence. “Wait. That means he likes you!” she shrieked.

“As you can see, Chrissy is one of John-John’s fan girls” Matt stated dully whilst keeping a smile on his face.

“Yeah, no.” I mumbled. “No way he likes me, I told him I was giving him a nickname, I didn’t ask him” I said bluntly. Chrissy opened her mouth to say something but I cut her off. “No, that’s it. End of topic” I dismissed.

“Can we at least meet him?” she asked, everyone had grown tired of her constant nattering and had dispersed off into their own conversations.

“I don’t have his number, sorry”

“Oh, no worries Charlie, he’s coming over for dinner tonight as Dad said you two got on so well, so Chrissy, you should come along!” Matt chirped. ‘Great’ I thought, ‘just great’. It’s not that I like him, it’s just that Chrissy will be all over him like a puppy wanting water on a hot day. So I would have barely any time to chat and goof around with him. Now don’t get me wrong, Chrissy is lovely, but JJ will prefer Chrissy to me, it’s a no brainer decision. I mean, she’s funny, relatively smart, pretty, skinny, and she can surf better than me. Of course he’d prefer her.

After school we traipsed out into the parking lot and got in our separate cars to drive back to the house. Chrissy already knew the way, so she shot off, leaving me to trail behind her. Upon arrival at the house there were no extra cars or bikes, so I could only assume that he was not here yet. I saw Chrissy elegantly slide out of her convertible and stride into the house, and I followed her inside, except I climber out of my car instead of gracefully sliding from the shiny, leather seats.

When I got inside, I couldn’t find her downstairs so I assumed she would be in my room, I found her straight away, rummaging through my wardrobe.

“Hey” I greeted wearily.

“Hiya! I was just going to borrow a cute outfit if that’s okay?” she chirped, to which I grunted a response. After about fifteen minutes and many outfits tossed onto the floor, Chrissy had finally picked two outfits.

“So, this one’s for me, and this one’s for you!” She exclaimed brightly, holding up a hot pink mini bandage dress in one hand for her, and a matching one in black for me. I did not want to wear it; quite frankly I would look like a prostitute. Just I was about to shake my head in disgust, Lau picked that exact moment to walk in.

“Oh, those dresses are lovely, you must wear them tonight!” she exclaimed, going all googly eyed over the very small dresses. I shook my head at her. “I insist. Technically I am your legal guardian and you must to whatever I say, and I know that you will not want to wear that, so I am going to use my legal leverage to force you to wear it!” Lau exclaimed in triumph; I guess I would have to wear the dress.

The dress was thrust at me and I was shoved into the bathroom to change into it. I yanked on the thin material and was appalled at the sight. It looked good on me, the tight black material hugged my toned stomach and legs, accentuated my curves and ended at mid-thigh. I was appalled because I couldn’t believe a dress so tiny could look good on anyone, but even so I wrapped the bathrobe around me. With confidence in my step I strode out of the bathroom to see Lau working on Chrissy’s hair and makeup, clearly tonight was about dressing to impress.

All too soon Chrissy was done and it was my turn in the chair of terror and doom. Ungracefully plopping down, Lau silently got to work on curling my blonde hair and applying my makeup and thankfully it didn’t take her too long. I stood up and stretched my arms and legs whilst turning to face Chrissy. She looked amazing, he hair was straightened to perfection and her makeup contrasted perfectly with her skin, the hot pink dress made her look even more tanned and gorgeous, but it ended just below her bum, since she was about five inches taller than me.

“Okay, now we look like babes, you can take off the bathrobe now!” she exclaimed, whilst pointing to the cream, fluffy robe that I was snuggled into. Dejectedly, I shrugged it off and let it fall to the floor, and as I turned in a circle, knowing I looked good; Chrissy and Lau’s jaws hit the floor.

“What do you think?” I asked. Lau nodded at me with a smile stretched across her features.

“You look amazing!” Chrissy squealed. “Picture time” and after those two deadly words were squealed, I entered hell. Photo after photo were taken and I had never puled so many poses, and just after we’d finished taking them, the doorbell rang.

A/N: We achieved over 850 reads so thankyou!! and the goal for the next chapter is 65 votes so keep voting!!! Also, I have a new book call Kellin Quinn's Daughter, it's a fanfic, but even if you don't like the band, check it out anyway! Thanks x

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