Chapter 12

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I woke up on the couch next to Matt and Carter; we must have fallen asleep when we were watching the TV, rolling over I began to prod Carter in the cheek to wake him up; he didn’t budge. So being the amazing sort of cousin I was I slapped him. Hard.

“Jesus Charlie!” he yelled, sitting up straight. His sudden movement cause Matt to wake up as well with a groan. “We need to shower and get ready, I think mum said that Dad was going to call us” Carter mumbled whilst rubbing the sleep from his eyes and stretching his arms. I hopped up from the spot on the couch and bounded up the stairs and into my bathroom to shower and dress.

After my shower I plucked some white jean shorts from the clothing rails and then selected a turquoise tank top, which looked really nice against my now tan skin. ‘Oh god’ I thought to myself ‘I’m a girly girl’ now don’t get me wrong, I have no qualms with girly girls or anything, it’s just I used to be one, and since the accident I decided to live every day as it comes and be rebellious as you never know what’s around the corner.

The distinctive angry ‘RINGGGGGGG’ of the house phone broke me from my chain of thoughts, so I jogged down the stairs ready to talk to Dave after the rest of the family. I was greeted by the site of all the boys, including Nate whom I hadn’t seen since my change. They were eagerly crowded around the kitchen table, listening to their dad’s voice coming through the speakerphone, and fighting to speak to him. I joined the group, perching on a kitchen chair nest to Lau and began to listen to Dave.

“Alana has been asking after you Nate, goodness knows what went on between you two, but that girl’s under a spell” Nate smirked at this news, seemingly pleased with himself. “Carissa Moore and Kelly Slater are wining overall so far, but that’s all the news I’ve got really. Oh, how’s Charlie doing?” his voice crackled through the phone.

“I’m good thanks, I’ve already been suspended, but I’m back at school on Thursday, so I’ll probably be bored for the next few days while everyone’s at work and school. Oh and Tyler, I’m not sure if you know him, but anyway he’s dared me to act and look all girly for two weeks” I finished my time of chat with Dave and I heard him laugh through the phone.

“Well I bet Lau’s enjoyed that! Anyway, I’ve got some news you may be interested in Charlie. The wave forecast isn’t looking very good for the continuation of the competition, so this evening I’m hopping on a night flight and should be back home by ten am tomorrow morning!” his exclamation left everyone stunned, Lau let out a loud, girly squeal and the boys and myself had childish grins on our faces. “I’m afraid I must go now because I’ve got an awards giving ceremony to attend, but I’ll see you all tomorrow!” he called before hanging up the phone.

“I can’t believe he’s coming back so soon, isn’t that just great!” Lau beamed at us all; us nodding in agreement. “I should imagine he’ll be teaching you how to surf while you’re suspended Charlie” Lau continued. I froze.

“W-what? W-why?” I asked, sounding shocked and confused.

“Because you can’t come to California and not learn how to surf, besides you’’ be here for two years, and all we do in our spare time” Nate addressed me as though I was a baby. “You’re not scared are you?” he teased to which I fervently shook my head.

“FOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDDD IS WHATTTTTTT IIIIIIII DESIRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEE” Carter suddenly burst out singing at the top of his lungs.

“Oooh, get you using big words, Carter-kins!” I fired at him to which he pouted. Lau sighed and went into the kitchen to prepare lunch I assume. “So, Nate, how’s the senior life?”

“Good, my grades are great, there’s loads of parties to go to because of my friends, and loads of girls. Man, last night there was this girl and she was like-“

“Stop right there” I cut him off. “I did not mean that part of senior life!” I exclaimed, fighting the urge to wrinkle my nose at the information he was about to tell me.

“Lunch!” Lau yelled from the kitchen, so we scrambled in her direction and were greeted with the gorgeous scent of Pot Noodle.

“Shotgun chicken and mushroom flavour!” I called.

“Damn!” Carter hissed, to which I responded with a smirk. Grabbing my pot of goodness I spooned the heaven into my mouth at such a high rate it scared me. Needless to say, I was the first finished. Don’t judge me.

The rest of the day was spent watching Netflix and eating junk food, it was perfect just like life should be.

“So Charlie are you going to prom this year?” Gus asked me.

“Ummm I don’t know to be honest, when is it?” I asked, turning to Matt and Carter.

“Two weeks, but don’t worry, mum’s working on your dress and outfit, and Chrissy is working on getting you a date, but it will probably be Parker again” he said this so matter of factly, that I almost didn’t realise the importance of what he’d said.

“Wait, so I don’t have to do anything?” I asked, completely shocked.

“Nope” Matt responded. Well, that saved me a lot of issues then didn’t it?

Eventually the sky turned dark, so we left the large living room and went to our separate rooms, the boys preparing for school tomorrow, me mentally psyching myself up to learn how to surf. Oh what fun my life is.

A/N: helloooooooo, I've literally had the bestest idea for the ending of this book, I'm actually really excited to end it, but it won't be for a while yet!! Anyway, let's see if we can get 60 votes?? Thanks x

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