Chapter 18

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The doorbell rang. We both froze and looked at each other, offering Chrissy a nervous smile I turned on my heel and began to walk down the stairs. I heard the click clacking of Chrissy heels following me upon entrance to the marble floored entrance hall where we could see Dave pulling the door open.

The door was flung open revealing a very handsome looking JJ who was dressed in a sharp suit and he had his usually tousled hair gelled up in a small quiff.

“Well, don’t you look lovely” he said to us, whilst raking up and down my figure with his eyes, I shuffled uncomfortably from foot to foot, feeling a bit awkward. Chrissy coughed, gaining JJ’s attention, but he didn’t spare her a second glance, just offered her a quick smile before turning his attention back to me.

“Yeah, thanks” I smiled back. “You can probably tell that I didn’t choose this outfit” I mumbled to him.

“I can, it doesn’t seem like your sort of thing really” he spoke back to me as we meandered through the house and into the dining room where we were greeted by plates of steaming Lasagne.

“Oh Lasagne!” I gasped, I hadn’t been expecting it “I love Lasagne!” I hurried over to a seat towards the end of the long table and plopped down into it.

“You can’t love Lasagne more than you love me!” Carter called from opposite me. I raised an eyebrow and dug into the delicious food. To my right, JJ had sat down and to his right there was Chrissy who barely ate a thing, unlike me; I ate everything, and the rest of Chrissy’s food.

“So, JJ, what’s life like on the tour?” Chrissy asked coyly.

“Um, it’s good, lots of surfing, lots of parties pretty much what you’d imagine” he bluntly replied, clearly not wanting to talk to her, turning towards me, he opened his mouth to speak.

“Oh, you can’t leave me with such a rubbish answer!” Chrissy exclaimed with a pout. “Tell me more” she demanded. JJ rolled his eyes at Carter and I but turned back towards Chrissy.

“Well, I get up at half five every morning and workout for an hour, then I’ll have a warm up surf which doesn’t really have a time on it. After that I’ll have a chill time to get in the zone, and then I compete. After competing there’s promotional photo shoots, talking to the sports channels and the podium and awards giving ceremony. As soon as they’re done, I get on a plane and fly to the next venue of the competition.” He finished sounding bored and monotonous for his entire speech.

“But I bet it’s really fun!” squeaked Chrissy whilst batting her eyelashes at him.

“No. It’s not at all fun, days are long and tiring, and you get bored so quickly. That’s why I’m going back to school soon.” JJ huffed and turned away from Chrissy without sparing her another glance.

“Sounds like you have such a good time on tour JJ!” Carter squealed in a fake falsetto voice, somewhat sounding like Kellin Quinn, earning himself a high five from Matt and a glare from Chrissy.

Gus, Nate, Dave, and Lau were all sat at the other end of the table and there conversation soon came to a lull like ours had.

“Would you look at the time!” Dave exclaimed. “It’s so late, and the time has flown by!” causing us all to look over to the clock, quietly hanging on the wall, it said it was ten at night already.

“Well, I best be going now! Since I do have school tomorrow” Chrissy said sullenly. “I’ll give you back the dress tomorrow” she added.

“It’s fine, you can keep it” I assured her.

“Aw, thanks babe!” she hummed whilst hugging me goodbye. After hugging me she strutted over to JJ and hugged him so tightly I thought he would explode. Chrissy handed him a slip of paper.

“Call me” she said seductively. The whole thing was so cliché, I wanted to laugh until I had a six-pack. Bu for friendships sake, I kept my face neutral, unlike Carter and Matt who were both laughing so loudly I’m sure the people in China could hear them. With a glare thrown at the twins, Chrissy strutted out of the house and slid into her convertible.

“Is she always so” JJ paused, looking for the right word “Flirty?” he finished.

“Yes” the three of us replied in unison.

“She’s practically your number one fan” Matt added

“Yeah, she googles you every day” Carter laughed along. JJ’s eyes widened and he looked terrified.

“Well, I’m off to bed now. See you in the morning” I called over my shoulder as I bounced up the stairs.

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