Chapter 25

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The whole week was boring and we were all tired and grumpy. On Monday morning, Tyler and I were called to the principal’s office for our prank.  Apparently they had guessed it was us that had let the cow loose and the fact that we didn’t show up to class only made a case against us. So our punishment was detention every night for two weeks. As you could probably imagine, Tyler and I were so tired that we didn’t even protest or try to shorten our punishment, we just nodded and left the office.

The rest of the week was boring, nothing happened, well class did obviously.  I got in trouble as usual for sleeping and messing about in lessons and earned myself another week of after school detentions. I wasn’t having a good week as far as punishments were concerned.

There was a bit of drama though, one day when we sat at lunch, this really cute kid came up to Chrissy and gave her a card which was apparently from his older brother. Naturally all of the girls were cooing over this, aside from myself of course. But when Chrissy opened the card, there was exploding German Sausage inside it, and as soon as she touched it, it exploded all over her, in her face, her hair; it went everywhere. Chrissy, of course, ran out of the lunch room in tears followed by Alexis, her deputy. I found the whole thing hilarious personally, as did the boys.

So now, I’m sat at the dinner table with the family on Friday evening, and I’m more than ready for a relaxing weekend.

“So” Dave began “We’re going away this weekend”. I raised my eyebrows at this.

“Where are you going Dad?” Gus asked with big puppy dog eyes.

“Your mother and I are going to Paris for the weekend, it’s to do with her work” he explained. We were all silent for a moment, digesting the information and finishing our meal.

“Can we have a party?” Carter asked

“Sure”. I was shocked at Lau’s answer to say the least. “But, you’ll have to clear everything away, but we’ll pay for it” she finished.

“Sweet, thanks mom!” Matt said whilst knuckle bumping Carter’s and mine fists. So it was settled then, we would be having a part tomorrow night, I was hoping to get some sleep, but never mind, a party’s a party!

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